When you're satisfied that your process flows are working as expected with test credentials, you're ready to go live. This is a two-stage process:
Currently, all connector shapes in your three process flows are configured with authentication credentials for access to sandbox/testing systems. These must now be changed to live/production credentials.
To do this, follow the instructions on this page to edit your Shopify and Virtualstock Supplier connector instances and apply new authentication credentials for your live/production environments.
Updating existing Shopify and Virtualstock Supplier connector instances with production credentials means you don't have to amend any process flows - the new credentials are applied automatically. This is the quickest and simplest approach.
However, some people prefer to create NEW connector instances with production credentials, so they can switch between the two - they may even duplicate process flows so a 'test' and 'production' version is always available. If you prefer to do this, the following guides may be useful:
Currently, your three Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier process flows are in a draft state, and disabled. For a process flow to run according to your defined trigger schedule, it must be deployed and enabled.
When you are ready, follow the instructions on the pages linked below for all three of your Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier process flows:
For the first few runs of each process flow, we recommend checking your run logs for warnings and errors - also check Shopify and Virtualstock Supplier to ensure that syncs are being processed as expected.