The manage connectors page is used to view and manage all connectors that you've installed or built. From here, you can make changes to any of your connectors.
It's important to understand the difference between updating a prebuilt Patchworks connector (which you installed via the marketplace) and updating a custom connector that was built by your organisation, using the connector builder.
Prebuilt connectors are managed by Patchworks. If the associated third-party system requires a general update, Patchworks will make this change and issue a new version of the connector in the marketplace.
Having installed a prebuilt connector, you can go on to update its settings if needed - for example, you might want to add an extra endpoint. If you do modify a prebuilt connector, you'll notice that it is updated to show version information, and who made the change:
If Patchworks issues an update for a modified connector, you can choose whether to overwrite
your existing connector (including any customisations that you've made) or to install
the updated version alongside your existing one.
Choosing to overwrite an existing connector will overwrite
any customisations that may have been made to the existing connector by members of your team. If in doubt, don't overwrite!
Custom connectors are built with the Patchworks connector builder and are managed by whoever builds them - Patchworks will never issue general updates for custom connectors.
Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard and select process flows > connectors & instances to access the manage connectors page.
Step 2 If a connector has a pending update, you'll see an update available button - click this. For example:
If this option is not shown, the connector is up to date.
Step 3 If Patchworks detects that your existing version of this connector has been modified, you are prompted to decide if you want to overwrite the current version (therefore overwriting any modifications that you've made) or install a new version - for example:
Step 4 Select your preferred update option:
Step 5 The update is completed. If you choose to install a new version of a customised connector, you will see that you now have two instances of that connector in your manage connectors list:
You can now apply your modifications to the new version, then create new instances and update connection shapes with these in affected process flows.
If a connector is no longer required, you can remove it from your manage connectors page. Before attempting to remove a connector, you may need to complete some housekeeping tasks:
If the instances that you need to remove are used in any process flow connection shapes, these shapes need to be reconfigured or removed first.
Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard and select process flows > connectors & instances to access the manage connectors page.
Step 2 Click the settings 'cog' icon associated with the connector that you want to remove - for example:
Step 3 The connector wizard is displayed on the settings page - from here, click the 'trash' icon:
Step 4 When prompted, type confirm to confirm that you wish to proceed:
Step 5 If any instances are found for this connector, the delete operation is cancelled and you are prompted to remove any associated instances before trying again. Otherwise, the connector is removed immediately.
The Patchworks marketplace is a library of all Patchworks prebuilt connectors, together with any custom connectors that have been built by users in your own company, using the connector builder.
Steps below guide you through the process of installing a prebuilt connector from the Patchworks Marketplace.
Any custom connectors built with the connector builder are installed automatically once their setup is complete.
To install a prebuilt connector, follow the steps below.
Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard.
Step 2 Select process flows > connectors & instances to access the manage connectors page.
Step 3 Click the add new connector button:
...the Patchworks Marketplace is displayed:
Step 4 Browse or search the marketplace to find the required connector.
Step 5 Having found the required connector, click the associated install button - for example:
Step 6 The connector installs and is available on your manage connectors page. Now you can add required instances for use in process flows.
All of your installed connectors can be viewed/updated from the manage connectors page - for example:
If you've built your own connectors with the Patchworks connector builder, these will also be shown here.
On this page, you can see all installed connectors and any associated instances that have been added. From here you can:
To navigate to the my connectors page, select process flows > connectors & instances from the left-hand navigation menu.
A connector is a generic integration of a third-party business system/application - it contains everything needed 'under the hood' (for example, endpoints, authentication methods, etc.) to sync data from/to the associated application.
This section includes guidance for key tasks that you may need to perform when working with connector connectors.
To learn more about what connectors are and their relationship with instances and process flows, please see the Connectors & instances page.