If you are a multi-company profile user with permission to manage another linked company, you can add new team members to your own company profile. Once a user is added you can (if required) go on to grant them permission to manage other companies.
For a new user to manage linked companies, they must be assigned the manager
role. To set this role, your own user account must be associated with the administrator role.
Step 1 Access team members for your own company profile.
You must be logged in with an administrator account to complete these steps.
Step 2 Click the create user button:
Step 3 Enter the person's name and email address:
The email address provided here is used to log into the Patchworks dashboard.
Step 4 Click the save button. The user account is saved and an email is sent to the given address, with a link for the user to set their password.
A password must be used with the user's email address in order to log into the Patchworks dashboard.
Step 5 The user roles tab is displayed and you'll see that the new account is created - by default, new accounts are created with a user role:
Permission to manage other companies can only be granted for team members with a manager role, so you need to assign this role now.
Step 6 Click the assign role button against the manager role:
If your user account isn't associated with an administrator role, you won't be able to make this change.
Step 7 Click the remove role button for the user role:
Step 8 When prompted, confirm this change.
Step 9 Save changes.
Step 10 If required, you can now go on to grant this user access to manage any companies that you currently manage.
If you are a multi-company profile user with permission to manage another linked company, you can view and manage users associated with your own company profile.
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard using your own Patchworks credentials and ensure that you are switched into your own company profile.
Step 2 In the top, left-hand corner click the arrow associated with your company name - then select your profile:
Step 3 Move down to the extra section, where all users for your multi-company profile are displayed:
Step 4 From here you can select any user's name to access and manage their profile.
If you are a multi-company profile user with , you can see who else in your team also manages that company.
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard using your own Patchworks credentials.
Step 2 that you want to review.
Step 3 Click the arrow associated with the company name and select the [company] profile option - for example:
Step 4 Move down to the extra section and select the team members with access tab:
Step 5 All team members are displayed and you can see which users have permission to manage the current company, and which do not:
For information about granting and revoking access to the current company please see our guide.
If your user account is associated with a manager or administrator role, you can remove other team member accounts from your company profile.
When a team member is removed in this way, they can no longer log into the Patchworks dashboard. If you want to allow a team member to continue accessing the Patchworks dashboard for multi-company profile but need to prevent them from managing other companies, you can simply revoke access to those companies. In this way, the team member retains their dashboard access.
Step 1 Access team members for your own company profile.
Step 2 Click the name of the user account that you want to remove:
Step 3 Click the 'delete' icon at the top of the page:
Step 4 When prompted, confirm this removal.
You can trigger a password reset email for another team member in your organisation, from your own company profile.
Step 1 Switch into the managed company that you want to update and view team members who manage that company.
Step 2 Click the name of the user that requires a password reset:
Step 3 Click the password reset option at the top of the page:
Step 4 This user will receive a Patchworks email containing instructions to reset their own password.
When a new team member is added, assigning them a role is part of the initial account creation process. Steps detailed on this page can be followed if you need change the role(s) for an existing team member.
If you are a multi-company profile user with an administrator
or manager
role, you can change the role associated with other lesser-role team members. The following rules apply:
Can promote accounts to roles up to and including manager
level (e.g. change a user
account to a manager
Can reduce other non-administrator accounts to a lesser role (e.g. change a manager
account to a user
Can promote accounts to roles up to and including user
level (e.g. change a read-only
account to a user
Can reduce other non-manager accounts to a lesser role (e.g. change a user
account to a read-only
For more information please see our Roles & permissions summary page.
Step 1 Access team members for your own company profile.
Step 2 Click the name of the user account that you want to update:
Step 3 The user roles tab is displayed and you'll see which roles are currently assigned for this account:
Step 4 Assign (and/or remove) roles as needed by clicking the appropriate assign role / remove role button.
Step 5 Save changes.
If you are a multi-company profile user with permission to manage another linked company (i.e. your own user account is associated with a manager or administrator role and you have been granted permission to manage the company in question), you can grant and revoke permission for other team members to manage the same company.
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard using your own Patchworks credentials and ensure that you are switched into your own company profile.
Step 2 Access the list of team members for your company.
Step 3 Click the name of the user that you want to update:
Step 4 Move down to the extra panel and click the managed companies tab:
All companies that are linked to yours for management are listed:
Step 5 The next step depends on the action that you wish to take:
Step 6 Save the company profile.
If your Patchworks user account is associated with a multi-company profile and you have been granted permission to manage a linked company, you are a team member with access.
As such you can perform the following tasks for other team members (i.e. other users associated with your agency/partner profile):