To access field tags, edit an endpoint for your connector and select the schema/taxonomy tab - for example:
Follow the steps below to add a new field tag for your schema:
Step 1 Click the add new tag button:
...the edit field tags modal is displayed:
All data fields found in the schema associated with this endpoint are available for selection.
Step 3 Move down to the select tags field and find a tag to apply from the Patchworks field tag taxonomy- for example:
Tags are organised by entity - customer tags, location tags, shipping address tags, orders tags, etc.
Step 4 Click anywhere outside of the list of fields to confirm your selection.
Tracked fields for endpoints is now deprecated. Fields can now be tracked via the track data shape.
Step 5 Save the tag - for example:
...the new tag is added to your list:
Follow the steps below to update an existing field tag for your schema:
Step 1 Click on an existing tag that you want to change - for example:
...the edit field tags modal is displayed and any existing tags are shown - for example:
Step 2 To remove an existing tag to replace it with another, click the associated 'cross' icon - for example:
You can associate multiple tags with any given field, so you don't have to remove an existing tag unless you need to.
...then use the select tags field to find a replacement tag from the Patchworks field tag taxonomy- for example:
All data fields found in the schema associated with this endpoint are available for selection.
Step 3 Save the tag.
Follow the steps below to remove an existing tag for your schema:
Step 1 Click on an existing tag that you want to remove - for example:
...the edit field tags modal is displayed and any existing tags are shown - for example:
Step 2 Remove all existing tags using the associated 'cross' icon - for example:
Step 3 Once all tags are removed, save the tag - for example:
Don't worry! The point of field tagging is that we tag the most common fields that Patchworks has identified. If your data schema includes fields where none of our tags apply, there's no need to tag it.