Airtable is a single platform which empowers teams to build custom apps on top of shared data.
Airtable's API documentation (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Airtable, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
base id
The id associated with the base you want to use for this connection.
table id
The id associated with whichever table within the base that you want to use for this connection.
Obtaining a token
Personal access tokens are created from Airtable. Please refer to the Airtable documentation: Personal Access Tokens basic actions.
Obtaining the base id and table id
Base and table ids are available from the Airtable API page associated with your Airtable base. Open the Airtable Standard API page and click the Airtable base that you want to use - from here you'll see API information associated with the base, which includes base
and table
Aero Commerce is a performance-based platform that's extendable and scalable, providing bespoke, personalised eCommerce stores for retailers.
When adding connector instances for Aero Commerce, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Your .
Enter your Aero Commerce host (obtained via your Aero Commerce application).
Enter the token provided for your Aero Commerce account (obtained via your Aero Commerce application).
Algolia is a search-as-a-service API that focuses on providing the best experience for end users.
When adding connector instances for Algolia, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
application id
api key
index name
API and authentication information for the Patchworks prebuilt Akeneo connector.
Akeneo is a product information management and product data intelligence solution.
API documentation for Akeneo (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Akeneo, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using Akeneo Auth authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Client ID
The client id generated for your Patchworks connection in Akeneo.
Client Secret
The client secret generated for your Patchworks connection in Akeneo.
Store URL
The URL used to access your Akeneo store without the https//
element. For example:
The username generated for your Patchworks connection in Akeneo.
The password generated for your Patchworks connection in Akeneo.
Response authentication token key
Set to access_token.
Response refresh token key
Set to refresh_token
The required credentials for adding a Patchworks instance of the Akeneo prebuilt connector can be obtained by adding an Akeneo connection for Patchworks, in your Akeneo dashboard. The steps required to add a new connection are summarised below:
Step 1 Log into your Akeneo dashboard.
Step 2 Select connect from the left-hand navigation bar:
Step 3 Select connection settings from the connect menu to access existing Akeneo connections:
Step 4 Click the create button:
Step 5 A new set of credentials is created for this connection and displayed in a credentials panel:
would be entered as:
Bloomreach Engagement is an eCommerce platform specialising in marketing automation, product discovery, and content management systems.
API documentation for Bloomreach (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Bloomreach, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
base url
Leave set to
project token
Leave set to project_token
Enter your Bloomreach Engagement username.
Enter your Bloomreach Engagement password.
Bleckmann provides a seamless logistics process, from warehousing and inventory management to order fulfilment.
API documentation for Bleckmann (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Bleckmann, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter your Bleckmann API token.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is a cloud-based ERP solution.
API documentation for Business Central (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Business Central, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Tenant ID
Environment name
Client secret
The secret generated for Patchworks via the Azure portal.
Client ID
The clientid generated for Patchworks via the Azure portal.
Leave set to https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/.default
Grant type
Leave set to client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Leave set to access_token.
Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) is a flexible, scalable commerce platform that lets you create uniquely personalised B2B and B2C experiences.
API documentation for Adobe Commerce (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Adobe Commerce, the following authentication methods are supported:
To obtain the token (actually an access token) required for Patchworks to access your Magento 2 data, you must create an integration. To do this, follow the steps below.
Step 1 Log into your Magento admin console.
Step2 Click on the system button with a cog icon to open the menu:
Step 3 Click on integrations under the extensions header. This will load the following page:
Step 4 Click on add new integration to start adding a new integration.
Step 5 Provide the required information in the first form. We suggest setting the name as 'Patchworks':
Step 6 Click API under basic settings and assign the required permissions:
Step 7 Click save. You will then be taken to the below page:
Step 8 Click activate for the integration you just saved and when prompted, confirm that the permissions are correct:
Step 9 Click allow to display integration tokens - add them all to your password manager, ready for use in your Patchworks setup:
The access token is required for Patchworks, but it's worth logging all token information returned here.
To find the URL required to add a Patchworks connector, log into your Magento 2 admin console and check the URL in your browser's address bar. You need everything up to and including 'magento.com' - for example:
If you are using Magento 2.4.4 or later, the allow OAuth access tokens to be used as standalone bearer tokens option must be set to yes. To do this, follow the steps below.
Step 1 Log into your Magento admin console.
Step2 Select stores from the navigation menu:.
Step 4 Expand the services navigation option and select OAuth:
Step 5 Set the Allow OAuth Access Tokens to be used as standalone Bearer tokens option to yes:
Cin7 is a fully integrated, cloud-based inventory management solution that streamlines stock management across multiple channels.
API documentation for Cin7 (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Cin7, the following authentication methods are supported:
Your tenant id for Business Central. Please see for details about how to find this information.
Your Business Central environment name. Please see for details about how to find this information.
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Step 3 Select the configuration option:
When a user chooses to using Login & password authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Displayed immediately after creating a new integration in the Magento admin console.
Displayed immediately after creating a new integration in the Magento admin console.
Enter your Cin7 username.
Enter your Cin7 password.
Account ID
Enter the Account ID generated in Cin7 for API access. For information about generating credentials please see this Cin7 guide (you will need to be logged in for access)
Application ID
Enter the Application ID generated in Cin7 for API access. For information about generating credentials please see this Cin7 guide (you will need to be logged in for access)
OnBuy is an online marketplace connecting buyers with business sellers (and vice versa).
API documentation for OnBuy (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for OnBuy, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Consumer key
The API consumer key can be found in your OnBuy Seller Panel.
Consumer secret
The API consumer secret can be found in your OnBuy Seller Panel.
Set to none
Grant type
Set to client_credentials
To obtain your OnBuy API credentials, follow the steps below:
Step 3
Enable the OnBuy API
integration. In the section Connection Details, find the necessary information.
Step 4
Check the connection details
section for your API credentials:
Clerk.io is an e-commerce personalisation platform that helps e-commerce businesses analyse customer behaviours.
API documentation for Clerk (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Clerk.io, the following authentication methods are supported:
Step 1
Log in to your OnBuy seller portal.
Step 2
Navigate to Listing
> Imports & Integrations
When a user chooses to using key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter the private key for Clerk. Information about these keys can be found in this Clerk help article.
Enter the public key for Clerk. Information about these keys can be found in this Clerk help article.
Clarus WMS is a leading provider of warehouse management systems for businesses.
API documentation for Clarus WMS (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Clarus WMS, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
API protocol
Leave set to
base URL
Set to yoursubdomain.api.clarus.ws
- replace yoursubdomain
with your own sub-domain. You will see this in the URL bar when you are logged into Clarus WMS.
Enter the email address that is authenticated to use Clarus WMS.
Enter your Clarus WMS password.
Avasam is a dropshipping platform for retailers and sellers in the UK.
API documentation for Avasam (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Avasam, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Grant type
Leave set to client_credentials
Secret key
Consumer key
Response authentication token key
Leave set to access_token
Commercetools provides all composable components needed to build and run shopping experiences.
API documentation for Commercetools (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Commercetools, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
The scopes selected when your API client was created for Patchworks (via the Commercetools dashboard). Multiple scopes should be separated by spaces.
Client ID
The clientid generated when your API client was created for Patchworks (via the Commercetools dashboard).
The secret generated when your API client was created for Patchworks (via the Commercetools dashboard).
Project key
The unique project key for your Commercetools environment.
Commercetools server region
The server region to be used for token requests. The default is europe-west1.gcp
Grant type
Set to client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Set to access_token.
Client type
Set to confidential.
Your unique project key forms part of the URL that you use to access Commercetools - for example:
In this example, our project key
is product-patchworks
Your server region forms part of the URL that you use to access Commercetools - for example:
In this example, our server region
is europe-west1.gcp
These details are generated when you add an API client to your Commercetools implementation, for Patchworks. These details are only displayed once therefore, they should always be added to a password manager for later use.
If you don't have an existing API client for Patchworks, you can create one. To do this, follow the steps below.
Step 1 Log into Commercetools
Step 2 Select settings from the left-hand navigation bar:
Step 3 Select developer settings:
Step 4 Click the create new API client button:
Step 5 Enter a name for this client and then select the required access scopes:
Step 6 Create the API client.
ChannelEngine ensures product info and stock levels are synchronised across marketplaces - syncing product information, product data and stock information across channels.
API documentation for ChannelEngine (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
Swagger documentation is available by composing your own company-specific link (using your ChannelEngine tenant subdomain) as below:
For example:
When adding connector instances for ChannelEngine, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
This is your ChannelEngine tenant subdomain. For example:
This is the API key generated from the ChannelEngine dashboard.
Finding your environment
Step 1 Log into the ChannelEngine dashboard.
Step 2 Note the subdomain in the URL - this is your environment setting:
Finding your token
Step 1 Log into the ChannelEngine dashboard.
Step 2 Select settings from the left-hand navigation bar, then merchant API settings:
Step 3 Existing API keys are displayed:
If necessary, you can add a new one for Patchworks.
Commerce Layer is an API-first commerce engine that makes it easy to incorporate full eCommerce functionality into your existing tech stack.
API documentation for Commerce Layer (used to build this connector) can be found via the links below:
When adding connector instances for Commerce Layer, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Your Commerce Layer domain name - for example: patchworks
Client ID
Client secret
Grant type
Leave set to client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Leave set to accessToken
Deposco is an inventory management system for retail, eCommerce, DTC & 3PL users.
API documentation for Deposco (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
You must be logged in to access this API documentation.
When adding connector instances for Deposco, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
This is your Deposco tenant code/id, available from your Deposco account manager.
Enter the username that you use to access the Deposco dashboard.
Enter the password that you use to access the Deposco dashboard.
Centra is a commerce platform for fashion & lifestyle brands.
API documentation for Centra (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Centra, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
base URL
store code
The secret key generated to allow API access for Patchworks, via the Avasam dashboard (user management). Please see for guidance on generating API credentials.
The consumer key generated to allow API access for Patchworks, via the Avasam dashboard (user management). Please see for guidance on generating API credentials.
The client id generated when you add an integration
type application for Patchworks via Commerce Layer.
For information about how these credentials are generated please see .
The client secret generated when you add an integration
type application for Patchworks via Commerce Layer.
For information about how these credentials are generated please see .
The scope generated when you add an integration
type application for Patchworks via Commerce Layer.
For information about how these credentials are generated please see .
Having installed the Peoplevox connector and applied pre and post request scripts, you're ready start using the connector in process flows.
If you build a process flow with Peoplevox defined as a target connection shape, you must always include a script shape immediately before the connection shape, and associate this with the setData custom script. This script takes care of data conversions that are required before sending data into Peoplevox.
You should have already created all required custom scripts but if you haven't, please complete steps detailed on this page before proceeding.
Step 1 Build your process flow in the usual way, including a connection shape configured for Peoplevox as a target.
Step 2 Immediately before the Peoplevox connection, add a script shape - for example:
Step 3 In custom script settings, select the PVX setData script:
Step 4 Save the shape - the script is added to you flow:
Cloudshelf is a (SaaS) platform that helps retailers improve in-store shopping experiences by combining digital assets with physical stores.
API documentation for Cloudshelf (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Cloudshelf, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
BigCommerce is a cloud-based eCommerce platform, providing software as a service services to retailers.
API documentation for BigCommerce (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for BigCommerce, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
store hash
Generated when you follow instructions to create a BigCommerce API account for your store.
Generated when you follow instructions to create a BigCommerce API account for your store.
Finding your store hash and access token
Step 1 Follow the instructions provided by BigCommerce - here:
Step 2 Having completed these steps, you will see an API path - the number at the end is the store hash. Next, a pop-up window displays the client ID, client secret and access token. Add these details to your password manager immediately as they are only shown once.
Brightpearl is a Retail Operating System (ROS) for retailers and wholesalers.
API documentation for Brightpearl (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Brightpearl, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (authorisation code) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Data center
The Brightpearl account that Patchworks needs to access.
State length
If you have been given a state length, enter it here. This is a numeric value which determines the length of a random string generated (behind the scenes) during the OAuth process, for verification purposes.
Enter the required scope to define what access permissions should be given to Patchworks.
Client ID
The reference given when the Patchworks app was created in Brightpearl.
The client secret which was issued when the Patchworks app was created in Brightpearl.
Response authentication token key
Set to access_token.
Grant type
Set to authorization_code
Response type key
Set to code
Dashboard OAuth callback URL
Client type
Set to confidential
OAuth authorised code (advanced)
This is an advanced setting that's used internally - under normal circumstances it should not need to be updated.
Cybertill is a cloud-based retail software provider which incorporates eCommerce, stock control, CRM, merchandising and warehousing modules.
API documentation for Cybertill (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Cybertill, the following authentication methods are supported:
Having completed this setup, the Cybertill connector is ready to use.
When you install the Peoplevox connector from the Patchworks marketplace, pre and post authentication scripts are included.
Typically, you don't need to do anything with these scripts - they do what they need to do 'out of the box'. However, if you are connecting to a US region, you might need to update the pre-auth script.
The pre-authentication script encodes passwords as Base64, which is required by most PVX regions. However, the US region requires this in plain text.
If you experience issues with authentication - usually a message like 'System : Security - Invalid Session'
, then you should update the pre-authentication script to remove Base64 encoding. This is a simple change, summarised below.
Required steps are detailed in the following sections:
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select process flows | scripts from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 From the installed section, click the pre-auth Base64 encode script name:
If you installed the Peoplevox connector from the Patchworks marketplace, this script will always be present.
Step 3 Once the script is open in edit mode, move down to the code editor and change:
Step 4 Save and deploy the script:
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select process flows | connectors & instances from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the settings icon associated with the Descartes Peoplevox connector:
Step 3 Select the authentication option:
Step 4 Click the SOAP Authentication method:
Step 5 Select the pre-request script tab:
Step 6 Select the latest version of the script:
Step 7 Save changes.
Enter the API key provided for your Cloudshelf account. You should receive an API key via email after creating a Cloudshelf account - for more information please see .
The data centre associated with your Brightpearl account. Typically this forms the first element of the URL that you use to access your Brightpearl account - for example:
Here, euw1
is the data center
For our production environment set to:
For our staging environment set to:
When a user chooses to using SOAP request authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Having installed the Cybertill connector, some additional setup is required before it can be used. You need to .
Auth URL
Enter the URL provided to you by Cybertill.
Auth ID
Enter the ID provided to you by Cybertill.
Response authentication token key
Always set to //result
If you are pulling data from Peoplevox (i.e. your process flow includes a connection shape configured with a Peoplevox GET
endpoint), a search option is available. For example:
You can use this field to filter data via the API, using syntax detailed in the Peoplevox API documentation.
Descartes Peoplevox is the Warehouse Management System for eCommerce businesses, online retailers and direct to consumer brands.
API documentation for Peoplevox (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Peoplevox, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using SOAP request authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
The username that you enter to access the Peoplevox dashboard.
Client ID
Available from the Peoplevox dashboard.
The password that you enter to access the Peoplevox dashboard.
This is the URL (without the https prefix) that you use to access Peoplevox. Typically this is wms.peoplevox.net
Response authentication token key
Leave set to the default:
Step 1 In your browser, open the URL that you use to access the Peoplevox dashboard.
Step 2 Check the top right-hand corner of the dashboard - you'll see your client id followed by your username (the short form in brackets) - for example:
The password is the same password that you use to log into Peoplevox.
Before this connector can be used as a target connection in process flows, you must create a setData script.
Having completed this setup, the Peoplevox connector is ready to use.
If you are connecting to a US region, you might need to update the default pre-authentication script for the installed connector. For information, please see Peoplevox pre & post authentication scripts page.
The Peoplevox connector is like any other Patchworks connector - it gets added to process flows via a connector shape. However, some specific settings are required for this shape, as detailed below.
For optimal performance, you should apply the PVX Re-Authentication Response Script to any connector shapes where Peoplevox is used to receive or send data.
For more information, please see: The Peoplevox re-authentication response script.
If you build a process flow with Peoplevox as a target connection, you must add a custom script shape and apply the setData script immediately before the target connection shape.
For more information please see: Using the Peoplevox setData script in process flows.
Dotdigital is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) marketing platform that integrates with key business systems (including eCommerce platforms and CRMs) to enable data-driven, automated campaigns and rich, real-time insights.
API documentation for Dotdigital (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Dotdigital, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter your Dotdigital region - e.g. r1
, r2
, r3
. You can confirm your region by checking the first part of the URL that you use to access the Dotdigial dashboard - for example: https://r1-app.dotdigital.com/
If you're building a process flow with Peoplevox as a target connection, you must create a setData script and then - in your process flow - .
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select scripts from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the create script button:
Step 3 In the name field, type the following:
Step 4 In the description field, type the following:
Step 5 Click in the language field and select PHP 8.1:
Step 6 Click the create button:
Step 7 The script is created and opened in edit mode - select and remove the placeholder code:
Step 8 Paste in the code below.
Step 9 Click the save and deploy button:
Having , some setup is required before it can be used. You must:
Once this setup is complete, you can for use in .
A pre-request script is required to generate an authentication token from username and password credentials. Follow the steps below to create this script.
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select scripts from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the create script button:
Step 3 In the name field, type the following:
Step 4 In the description field, type the following:
Step 5 Click in the language field and select PHP 8.1:
Step 6 Click the create button:
Step 7 The script is created and opened in edit mode - select and remove any placeholder code:
Step 8 Paste in the code below.
Step 9 Click the save and deploy button:
Step 10 Click the scripts element of the breadcrumb trail to exit back to your list of scripts and go to the next stage:
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select connectors and instances from the left-hand navigation menu to access your installed connectors.
Step 2 Find your Emarsys connector and click the settings icon:
Step 3 Click the authentication option:
Step 4 Select the token authentication method.
Step 5 Select the pre-request script tab:
Step 6 Click in the select script field and select your Emarsys Pre-Request Script:
Step 7 Select the latest version:
Step 8 Save changes:
Flexport focuses on supply chain management and logistics, including order management, delivery, trade financing, insurance, freight forwarding and customs brokerage.
API documentation for Flexport (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Flexport, the following authentication methods are supported:
Having installed the Cybertill connector, some setup is required before it can be used. You must:
Once this setup is complete, you can for use in .
A post-request script is required to generate an authentication token from the given instance credentials. Follow the steps below to create this script.
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select scripts from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the create script button:
Step 3 In the name field, type the following:
Step 4 In the description field, type the following:
Step 5 Click in the language field and select PHP 8.1:
Step 6 Click the create button.
Step 7 The script is created and opened in edit mode - select and remove any placeholder code:
Step 8 Paste in the code below.
Step 9 Click the save and deploy button:
Step 10 Click the scripts element of the breadcrumb trail to exit back to your list of scripts and go to the next stage:
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select connectors and instances from the left-hand navigation menu to access your installed connectors.
Step 2 Find your Cybertill connector and click the settings icon.
Step 3 Click the authentication option:
Step 4 Select the SOAP authentication method:
Step 5 In the lower panel, select the post-request script tab:
Step 6 Click in the select script field and select your Cybertill Post-Request Script:
Step 7 Select the latest version:
Step 8 Save changes:
Having logged into Peoplevox, your client ID is also shown in the URL - for example:
Enter your API username for Dotdigital. For information about generating API credentials please see t.
Enter your API password for Dotdigital. For information about generating API credentials please see t.
You don't need to do anything with the setData script right now. However, if you with Peoplevox as a target connection, you must add a custom script shape and apply this setData script immediately before the target connection shape. For more information please see: .
Step 9 You can now of this connector for use in .
When a user chooses to using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Step 9 You can now of this connector for use in .
Client secret
The secret generated for Patchworks via Flexport. Please see this Flexport help article for guidance on generating credentials.
Client ID
The clientid generated for Patchworks via Flexport. Please see this Flexport help article for guidance on generating credentials.
Grant type
Leave set to client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Leave set to access_token
Leave set to https://api.flexport.com
Typically, SOAP authentication via tokens works by authenticating once and sending a valid token in response - this token is included in all subsequent requests until it expires. When the token expires, a 401
(authentication failed) response is returned, and we will re-authenticate with the next request.
However, Peoplevox doesn't send a 401
response when a token expires - a 200
(success) code is returned and the authentication outcome is included in the response body. So for optimal performance (i.e. to avoid having to authenticate every request), we need a way to trigger re-authentication based on content in the response body. To achieve this, we use a response script.
Using this script is recommended but not mandatory. Without this script, Peoplevox process flows will run normally, though not optimally (since every request is authenticated).
Response scripts are applied to process flow connector shapes to control whether the connector shape/process flow fails or continues, based on information returned from the connection request.
The script runs every time a connection is attempted and receives the response code, headers, and body from the request. Utilising response_code
actions, the script returns a value determining whether the connector shape/flow run continues or stops.
For more information, please see Using connector shape response scripts.
The script below has been developed for Peoplevox.
This checks the <AuthenticateResponse><AuthenticateResult>
section of the SOAP response body to determine success or failure. If authentication is found to have failed, the connector step will retry the request and re-authenticate.
If you are receiving or sending data from/to Peoplevox in process flows, we recommend following the steps below to implement the Peoplevox Re-Authentication Response Script.
Step 1 Install the Peoplevox Re-Authentication Response Script from the Patchworks marketplace.
Step 2 Having installed the script, you should apply it to any connector steps in your process flows(s) where Peoplevox is used. This is just a case of accessing connector shape settings and selecting the response script that you installed - for example:
Step 3 Raise a ticket with Patchworks support for the Enhanced Peoplevox Re-Authentication feature to be switched on for your organisation.
For general information about response scripts, please see: Using connector shape response scripts.
Without this script, Peoplevox process flows will run normally, though not optimally (since every request is authenticated).
If you are pulling data from Peoplevox (i.e. your process flow includes a connection shape configured with a Peoplevox GET
endpoint), the payload is generated as XML data.
If required, you can convert the XML payload to JSON by adding the script below to a script shape immediately after the Peoplevox connection shape. For example:
The script below will convert any Peoplevox XML payload, irrespective of the entity type being pulled.
Freshdesk is a cloud-based customer engagement solution for streamlining customer support.
API documentation for Freshdesk (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Freshdesk, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
api key
The URL that you use to access Freshdesk will be in the following form: https://domain.freshdesk.com
, where 'domain' is unique to your organisation - for example: https://patchworks.freshdesk.com
. Enter your domain here - for example: patchworks
Fluent Commerce is a leading order management system which optimises fulfillment and solves inventory visibility issues.
API documentation for Fluent Commerce (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Fluent Commerce, the following authentication methods are supported:
Your API can be accessed via your Freshdesk user profile. For more information please see .
When a user chooses to using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Leave set as the default [[payload.username]]
Enter your Fluent Commerce username.
Enter your Fluent Commerce password.
Leave set as the default api
Grant type
Leave set to password
Client ID
The client id provided to you by Fluent Commerce.
Client secret
The client secret provided to you by Fluent Commerce.
Response authentication token key
Leave set to accessToken
Enter the URL provided to you by Fluent Commerce.
The Patchworks FTP connector is used to connect FTP servers, for use in process flows.
An SFTP connector is also available - use this for secure connections.
When adding connector instances of the Patchworks FTP connector, the following authentication methods are supported:
Guidance for using these authentication methods is summarised below.
If you are using a custom version of our prebuilt FTP connector (i.e. if the authentication method and/or endpoint settings have been updated after the original installation), please be aware that your settings and requirements may vary.
Enter the host name provided by your FTP provider. For example: eu-west-1.sftpcloud.io
Enter the username provided by your FTP provider.
Enter the port number provided by your FTP provider.
Enter the initial directory that the FTP client connects to once a connection is made. This becomes the reference point for subsequent file operations. For example: /
Ignore passive address
The default setting of true
means that you will use the default active mode
for establishing a connection.
Leave the default setting of 10
seconds unless you experience any timeout issues with your connection.
If you choose to add a connector instance with username & password authentication, you need to enter the following details:
Enter the host name provided by your FTP provider. For example: eu-west-1.sftpcloud.io
Enter the username provided by your FTP provider.
Enter the password provided by your FTP provider.
Enter the port number provided by your FTP provider.
Enter the initial directory that the FTP client connects to once a connection is made. This becomes the reference point for subsequent file operations. For example: /
Set this option to true
if you want to use FTPS (an extension of FTP that adds a layer of security by using SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) for encryption.
Ignore passive address
The default setting of true
means that you will use the default active mode
for establishing a connection.
Fulfillmenttools is a SaaS solution, which handles all key fulfillment processes – from the management of incoming online orders and their distribution, to the picking of orders in-store and shipping or handover to the customer.
API documentation for Fulfillmenttools (used to build this connector) can be found via the links below:
When adding connector instances for Fulfillmenttools, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (Google) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter your password as provided by Fulfillment tools.
Enter your username as provided by Fulfillment tools.
Enter your API key as provided by Fulfillment tools (also known as Auth key).
Retain the default setting of: none
Grant type
Retain the default setting of: client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Retain the default setting of: idToken
Your tenant
Enter your own Fulfillmenttools tenant - for example: ocff-patchworkstest-pre
EKM Insight is a leading managed print service (MPS) software supplier, helping customers optimise print and imaging operations.
API documentation for EKM Insight requires EKM Insight login credentials.
When adding connector instances for EKM Insight, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to using API key & bearer authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Emarsys is a customer engagement platform that helps marketers in a range of industries deliver personalised experiences.
API documentation for Emarsys (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Emarsys, the following authentication methods are supported:
Having completed this setup, the Emarsys connector is ready to use.
Specify a location of specific files or directories relative to the root that you wish to use, or leave blank.
Whenever the , you need to enter the required path
to be accessed. With this in mind, there's no need to be too specific when setting up the instance - entering /
here is fine.
Specify a location of specific files or directories relative to the root that you wish to use, or leave blank.
Whenever the , you need to enter the required path
to be accessed. With this in mind, there's no need to be too specific when setting up the instance - entering /
here is fine.
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Having installed the Emarsys connector, some additional setup is required before it can be used. You need to .
The username associated with your Emarsys account.
The password associated with your Emarsys account.
No changes are required for this field - a token is auto-generated by a pre-request script.
GXO Logistics is a leader in cutting-edge warehousing and distribution - designing, managing, and optimising supply chains and delivering customised, tech-enabled solutions.
When adding connector instances for GXO Logistics, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Base URL
Leave as the default webservices.gxo.com/template/wms/v1
Enter your API username for GXO Logistics.
Enter your API password for GXO Logistics.
Site ID
Enter your Site ID for GXO Logistics.
EVA's cloud-based solution combines (m)POS, e-commerce, clienteling, order management, and inventory & fulfillment.
When adding connector instances for EVA, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Endpoint URL
base URL
Enter your EKM Insight URL - for example: test.insightportal.net/PortalAPI
Enter your EKM Insight API key. This is obtained via the EKM Insight portal - go to system administration | Insight API | API users:
Enter your EKM Insight API secret (see above).
EdiFabric is a developer SDK and API used to parse, generate, validate, split, acknowledge, represent, view, and document EDI files.
API documentation for EdiFabric (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for EdiFabric, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
api key
base URL
Leave set to the default api.edination.com/v2
Google Pub Sub is used for streaming analytics and data integration pipelines to load and distribute data.
API documentation for Google Pub Sub (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Google Pub Sub, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (authorisation code) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
State length
This is a numeric value which determines the length of a random string generated (behind the scenes) during the OAuth process, for verification purposes. Our suggested setting is 50
Leave set to https://www.googleapis.com/auth/pubsub
Client ID
The client ID generated for Patchworks in Google Pub Sub.
Client secret
The client secret generated for Patchworks in Google Pub Sub.
Response authentication token key
Leave set to the default access_token
Grant type
Leave set to the default authorization_code
Response type key
Leave set to the default code
Refresh grant type
Leave set to the default refresh_token
Response refresh token key
Leave set to the default refresh_token
Google Sheets is whatever you want it to be! Retrieve and update data from your sheets as needed.
API documentation for Google Sheets (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Google Sheets, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are required:
Client ID
Client Secret
Refresh Token
You must have a Google Workspace account that's part of an organisation.
Step 1 Access the Google APIs console - APIs and Services.
Step 2 If you haven't got an account already, go ahead and create one (use the Google account associated with the sheets you want to access).
Step 3 Click the create project button.
If you have existing projects, this page may not be the same. If you can't see a create project button, click the dropdown at the top of the page to open the select a resource page, then click the new project button:
Step 4 Enter an appropriate name for this project (leave other settings as they default) and click the create button:
Step 1 Select OAuth consent screen from the left-hand navigation menu:
Step 2 Select the internal radio button and then click the create button:
Step 3 Complete app information:
The only mandatory fields are:
App name
We recommend something clearly identifiable as a Patchworks integration
User support email
Enter your own email address.
Developer contact email address
Enter your own email address.
Step 4 Click save and continue.
Step 5 Click the add or remove scopes button:
Step 6 Add the following in the manually add scopes section:
...then select add to table:
Step 7 Click the update button at the end of the page:
Step 8 Check that the new scope has been added under sensitive scopes:
Step 9 Click save and continue at the end of the page:
Step 1 Select credentials from the left-hand navigation menu:
Step 2 Click the create credentials button:
Step 3 Select OAuth client ID:
Step 4 Select web application:
Step 5
Enter a name for this application - we recommend something clearly identifiable as a Patchworks integration, for example Patchworks Web Client
Step 6 Move down to the authorised redirect URIs section and click the add URI button:
Step 7 Enter the following URI:
Step 8 Click the create button:
Step 9 Your client ID and client secret are displayed - copy these and add them to your password manager so they're available in the next stage (and for later use in Patchworks):
Step 10 Click OK to close this window.
Step 1 In a new browser tab/window, access the following URL to access the OAuth playground:
Step 2 In the top-right corner, click the 'cog' icon to access OAuth 2.0 configuration:
Step 3 At the end of the configuration page, select the use your own OAuth credentials checkbox:
Step 4 Add your client ID and client secret (created in the previous stage) into given fields:
Step 5 Close this window.
Step 1 Still in the OAuth playground, move to the end of the left panel and enter the following URL in the input your own scopes field:
...then click the authorise APIs button:
Step 2 When prompted, log in with the same Google account that you started with in Stage 1:
...you should see confirmation that your app (in this case named Patchworks) has access to Google spreadsheets associated with this account:
Step 3 Click allow to continue to the OAuth 2.0 playground.
Step 4 Click the exchange authorization code for tokens button:
Step 5 Copy the refresh token and add it to your password manager.
Step 1 Switch back to your Google APIs console - APIs and Services tab/window and select enabled APIs and services from the left-hand navigation menu:
Step 2 Select enable APIs and Services at the top of the page:
Step 3 Search for Google sheets API:
Step 4 Click the Google sheets API result tile:
Step 5 Click the enable button:
Step 6 Google Sheets setup is now complete. If you haven't done so already, you can install the Google Sheets connector from the Patchworks marketplace and then use your client ID, client secret, and refresh token to add required connector instances.
Huboo is an eCommerce fulfilment partner, helping businesses of all sizes scale using third party logistics (3PL).
API documentation for Huboo (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Huboo, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Leave set to the default https://api.huboo.uk/v2
api key
Gorgias is a customer support platform built for eCommerce companies.
API documentation for Gorgias (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Gorgias, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
base url
Change the {{store}}
element to your own store name. For example: patchworks.gorgias.com
Enter your Gorgias username.
Enter your Gorgias password.
Happy Returns (by PayPal) is a software and reverse logistics company that works with online merchants to handle product returns.
API documentation for Happy Returns (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Happy Returns, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter the URL that you use to access Happy Returns, without the https://
Enter your Happy Returns API key. This is obtained from the Happy Returns dashboard, via settings | developer tools.
Hubspot is a CRM platform with software integrations and resources to connect marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.
API documentation for Hubspot (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Hubspot, the following authentication methods are supported:
InPost provides a network of Automated Parcel Machines (APMs) across the UK, allowing customers to send, return, and collect parcels.
InPost's API documentation (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for InPost, the following authentication methods are supported:
Klaviyo provides a marketing automation platform, used primarily for email marketing and SMS marketing.
API documentation for Klaviyo (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Klaviyo, the following authentication methods are supported:
Lightspeed Retail X-Series (formerly Vend) is a retail POS, inventory management, and eCommerce solution.
API documentation for Lightspeed Retail X-Series (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Lightspeed Retail X-Series, the following authentication methods are supported:
Finding your domain prefix The domain prefix is the first part of the URL that you use to access your Vend instance, immediately before 'vendhq.com' - for example:
Obtaining an access token Step 1 Log into your Lightspeed/Vend console.
Step 2 Navigate to setup > personal tokens > generate personal token. The add personal token page is displayed:
Step 3 In the name field, type the following:
Step 4 If required, set an expiry date.
Step 5 Click the generate personal token button.
Step 6 A token is generated and displayed on screen - add this to your password manager so it's ready for your Patchworks setup when needed.
Inriver is an SaaS provider specialising in product information management, transforming product information into a profit-making asset.
API documentation for Inriver (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Inriver, the following authentication methods are supported:
Google BigQuery is a fully managed enterprise data warehouse that helps you manage and analyze your data.
API documentation for Google BigQuery (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Google BigQuery, the following authentication methods are supported:
Your API is generated when you subscribe for EdiNation or EdiFabric, It can be retrieved by signing into and selecting Get API key from your user details. For more information please see .
Follow the steps detailed (your client ID is generated in Stage 3).
Follow the steps detailed (your client secret is generated in Stage 3).
Follow the steps detailed (your refresh token is generated in Stage 5).
Enter your Huboo API key (token). This is obtained from the Huboo dashboard - if you're not sure how, please see .
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using bearer authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using OAuth 2 (authorisation code) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter the token provided for your Patchworks integration.
Your personal access key for InPost (provided by InPost upon request).
Leave set to api-uk.easypack24.net
This is your Klaviyo private API key, generated from the Klaviyo portal (via Settings). More information can be found in Klaviyo's developer documentation.
Domain Prefix
Available from the URL used to access your Lightspeed instance.
Access Token
Generated in the Lightspeed console.
Enter your Inriver API key (token). This can be generated in the Users section of the Inriver Control Center.
State length
This is a numeric value which determines the length of a random string generated (behind the scenes) during the OAuth process, for verification purposes. Our suggested setting is 15
The required scope to define what access permissions should be given to Patchworks.
Client ID
The client ID generated for Patchworks in Google BigQuery.
Client secret
The client secret generated for Patchworks in Google BigQuery.
Response authentication token key
Leave set to the default access_token
Grant type
Leave set to the default authorization_code
Response type key
Leave set to the default code
Refresh grant type
Leave set to the default refresh_token
Response refresh token key
Leave set to the default refresh_token
Having installed the Google Sheets connector and added required instances (using credentials obtained via the Google Sheets APIs and Services portal), you can add this connector to process flows, syncing data to/from your spreadsheets.
This page provides guidance and techniques for using the Google Sheets connector in process flows.
Having added a connector shape to your process flow and selected a Google Sheets source instance
and endpoint
, you'll see that variables are available - for example:
Specific variables will vary according to which source endpoint is selected but essentially, this is where you define which spreadsheet to access and then additional details (for example, target cell range).
Whichever endpoint you select, you'll always need to enter a value for a spreadsheet id
variable. Every Google Sheets spreadsheet has a unique id, which you can find by opening the spreadsheet and checking the URL. Here you'll find a long string of characters after base URL - for example:
This string of characters (everything between the two /
characters) is your spreadsheet id
More information is available in Google's documentation, here.
For this example, we have a simple product list in a spreadsheet:
In the steps below we'll walk through the process of sending data from columns E, F, G, H, and I into a destination database.
Ensure you've completed the required setup in your Google Workspace to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials.
Ensure that the Google Sheets connector is installed from the Patchworks marketplace.
Ensure that at least one instance has been created for this connector, using your OAuth 2.0 credentials for authentication.
Step 1 Create a new process flow and add a connector shape. Configure the
Source instance
Select the Google Sheets connector instance that you want to use.
Source endpoint
Select GET Method
This endpoint retrieves data from a given spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet id
Enter the id
associated with the Google Sheets spreadsheet that you want to access.
Enter the range of data that you want to retrieve. If your spreadsheet includes multiple sheets, you should prefix the range with the sheet name.
For our example, we're targeting a specific sheet named fruit
and we're interested in data from column A
to column I
, rows 2
to 13
. This is expressed as: fruit!A2:I13
If your spreadsheet is comprised of a single sheet, you don't need to specify the sheet name - any range given is taken from the first visible sheet.
For example:
Step 2
If we run the flow now and check payload
information for the connector step, we can see data from the spreadsheet:
The first thing to note is that the majorDimension
is set to ROWS
is a Google Sheets API parameter that determines how values are structured - it might be set to ROWS
is the default if nothing is defined). In Patchworks, this value is set in the schema for each Google Sheets endpoint.
You can read more about this field in Google's documentation, here
Taking our example, we can see that each row in our sheet is output as an array containing items for each column. Let's look at this structure in a bit more detail.
In our spreadsheet, columns are organised from A
to I
But in our payloads, these column labels aren't shown:
To target columns or rows, we use numbers. For rows this is straightforward - by default, every row in a sheet has a unique number. But for columns we must translate existing alpha labels to numbers, starting at 0
. So our columns A
to I
can be referenced as 0
to 8
You'll see how this works in subsequent steps.
Step 3 Now we've connected to our Google Sheet and pulled a single payload that contains all rows. To send this data to our destination system, we need to break that payload into smaller batches, with one record (i.e. row) per payload. To achieve this, we add and configure a flow control shape:
Here, we're saying that we want to target records within the values
array and create batches of 1
- i.e. create one payload for every row. We also toggle the Do not wrap single items in an array
option ON, because our destination system requires this.
Now if we run the flow and check the output, we have multiple payloads:
...each containing data for a single row:
Step 4 Next, we add a connector for our destination system:
Step 5 Finally, we add a map shape and define field mappings to determine where our column values are placed in the destination system - this is where our numbering system for column labels is needed:
Step 6
At the end of the mappings page, we toggle the wrap input payload
option to ON, so our data is in the required format for our destination system.
Step 7 Having saved field mappings we can run the flow and check resulting payloads for the map step - here we see that our spreadsheet columns are successfully mapped to destination fields.
Step 8 If we check our destination database, all spreadsheet rows have been added:
LionWheel is a delivery management software and route optimisation application that integrates with all major eCommerce and ERP platforms.
API documentation for LionWheel (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for LionWheel, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter the required task id.
Enter the token provided for this integration.
Linnworks is an eCommerce inventory and order management platform that helps retailers automate key processes.
API documentation for Linnworks (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for commercetools, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using AuthorizeByApplication authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
The required scope to define what access permissions should be given to Patchworks.
The token is provided when the Patchworks integration is added in the Linnworks developer portal.
Application id
The application id is created when the Patchworks integration is added in the Linnworks developer portal.
Application secret
The application secret is created when the Patchworks integration is added in the Linnworks developer portal.
Grant type
Set to client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Set to token.
Mailchimp is a marketing automation and email marketing platform.
API documentation for Mailchimp (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Mailchimp, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
This field is not validated and can be any string - for example, 'Patchworks'.
Mailjet is a cloud-based email delivery and tracking system which allows users to send marketing and transactional emails.
API documentation for Mailjet (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Mailjet, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
From email
Specifies the sender email address to be used when a sender
is not specified.
To email
Specifies the recipient email address to be used when a recipients
are not specified.
Jira (developed by Atlassian) is a software solution that allows bug tracking, issue tracking and agile project management.
API documentation for Jira (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Jira, the following authentication methods are supported:
For information about obtaining OAuth 2.0 credentials required to create instances for the Google Sheets connector, see
This id forms part of the URL for the spreadsheet. For more information please see .
For detailed information about range notation see Google's documentation, .
This corresponds to the data center for your account - for example, us6
. If you're not sure how to find your own dc, please refer to .
Enter your API key for Mailchimp. For information about generating API keys, please see .
This is your API key which can be accessed from your Mailjet page. API credentials are generated automatically when your Mailjet account is created.
This is your API secret which can be accessed from your Mailjet page. API credentials are generated automatically when your Mailjet account is created.
When a user chooses to using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When you log into Jira, you specify a username, which is your email address - enter this here.
api token
Enter your API token for Atlassian. For information about generating API tokens, please see this Jira guide.
When you log into Jira, your domain forms part of the URL - enter this here. For example, in the https://patchworks.atlassian.net
URL, the domain
element is patchworks
NetSuite is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses manage all aspects of their operations.
API documentation for NetSuite (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
Before your Patchworks Netsuite connector can be used in process flows, some setup is required in your NetSuite environment so that Patchworks to authorise API calls with token-based authentication.
Please see our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks page and ensure this setup is completed before you start working with the Patchworks NetSuite connector.
When adding connector instances of the Patchworks (prebuilt) connector, the following authentication methods are supported:
Occtoo is an Experience Data Platform that helps marketers consolidate information about products, consumers & purchasing behaviours.
API documentation for Occtoo (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Occtoo, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Client ID
Client secret
Leave set to Empty
Grant type
Leave set to client_credentials
Response authentication token key
Leave set to result.accessToken
MongoDB is a flexible, scalable, cross-platform document database solution.
API documentation for MongoDB (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for MongoDB, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
URL endpoint
Enter your MongoDB URL in without the https// prefix. For example:
data source
Enter your MongoDB data source. For example: Cluster0
Enter your MongoDB database. For example: sample_test
Enter your MongoDB collection. For example: listingsAndReviews
content type
Enter the required content type (typically json
Enter your MongoDB API token.
Mirakl eCommerce software provides online marketplace software to retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers.
API documentation for Mirakl (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
You must sign in with Mirakl credentials to access this documentation.
When adding connector instances for Mirakl, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Your Mirakl marketplace URL in full - for example:
Front key
This is the API key generated from the Mirakl dashboard (user settings).
Marketplacer is a Software as a Service (SaaS) company equipped with tools to build scalable online marketplaces. The Marketplacer Operator API is used to build integrations into existing eCommerce platforms where products hosted on Markerplacer are surfaced for sale on the eCommerce frontend.
Documentation for the Marketplacer Operator API (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Marketplacer - Operator, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Your Marketplacer URL in full - for example:
Ometria is a customer data and experience platform for retail.
API documentation for Ometria (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Ometria, the following authentication methods are supported:
Octopus Energy Group is a British renewable energy group specialising in sustainable energy. The Octopus Energy REST API enables customers and partners to interact with their platform - for example, to retrieve details about a UK gas or electricity meter-point.
API documentation for Octopus Energy (used to build this connector) is available via your , via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Octopus Energy, the following authentication methods are supported:
is an order management system businesses use to grow sales, simplify returns, and optimise everything in between.
API documentation for OneStock (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for OneStock, the following authentication methods are supported:
Marketplacer is a Software as a Service (SaaS) company equipped with tools to build scalable online marketplaces. The Marketplacer Seller API can be used by sellers to automate the processes required for selling their products on a Marketplacer marketplace.
Documentation for the Marketplacer Seller API (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Marketplacer - Seller, the following authentication methods are supported:
Before your Patchworks Netsuite connector can be used in process flows, some setup is required in your NetSuite environment. This setup allows Patchworks to authorise API calls with token-based authentication.
When you for NetSuite, you can choose to authenticate using OAuth 1 or OAuth 2. The OAuth protocol authenticates users via tokens, so this setup is imperative.
You will need NetSuite administrator permissions to complete tasks detailed on this page.
The required setup is detailed in five stages:
Follow the steps below:
Step 1 In NetSuite, login as an admin user and navigate to setup | company | enable features:
Step 2 Select the SuiteCloud tab - all available features are listed within a series of categories.
Step 3 Scroll to the SuiteTalk (Web Services) category and ensure that the following features are selected/enabled:
For example:
If you don't see the the REST RECORD SERVICE (BETA) option and there's no banner for you to opt in, don't worry - it's not required.
Step 4 Scroll to the Manage Authentication category and ensure that the following features are selected/enabled:
For example:
You may find that some features (including other authentication settings) are already set when you access the enable features page in NetSuite. This is fine.
Step 5 Save changes.
Step 1 In NetSuite, login as an admin user and navigate to setup | users/roles | manage roles:
Step 2 Click the new role button:
Step 3 In the name field enter a name for this role, we suggest:
For example:
Step 1 In the lower panel, select the permissions tab:
Here, you use permission tabs to navigate between different permission categories:
Step 2 Switch between these categories and ensure that the following permissions are granted:
Step 3 Save changes.
The steps below assume that you already have a NetSuite user ready to associate with the permissions granted above. However, you can create a new user if required.
Step 1 In NetSuite (logged in as an admin user), navigate to setup | users/roles | manage users:
Step 2 From the list of users, select the user that you want to update with new permissions.
Step 3 In the lower panel, select the access tab:
Step 5 Save changes.
Step 1 In NetSuite (logged in as an admin user), navigate to setup | integration | manage integrations.
Step 2 Click the new button:
Step 3 In the name field we suggest entering:
Step 4 Set the state field to enabled.
Step 5 Move down to the token-based authentication section and select/de-select options as per your requirements:
Step 6 Move down to the OAuth 2.0 section and select/de-select options as per your requirements:
Step 7 Save changes. At this point, client credentials are provided for this integration - add these to your password manager:
PagerDuty is a SaaS incident response platform, delivering visibility and intelligence across the entire lifecycle of incidents.
API documentation for PagerDuty (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for PagerDuty, the following authentication methods are supported:
Generating tokens
Step 1 Log into the PagerDuty dashboard.
Step 2 Select Integrations from the top navigation bar, then select API Access Keys:
Step 3 Click the Create New API Key button:
Step 4 Enter a Description for this token and click the Create Key button:
Step 5 Token information is displayed:
Step 6 Save this token to your password manager for use when adding Patchworks instances of the PagerDuty connector.
Pimberly is a Product Information Management platform, helping with all aspects of product data processing.
API documentation for Pimberly (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Pimberly, the following authentication methods are supported:
Odoo is a suite of open source business apps covering CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, and more.
API documentation for Odoo (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Odoo, the following authentication methods are supported:
The data provider id generated for your Patchworks data source via Occtoo. For example: 20a0ae8d-c7b0-4e97-bde2-bccc398d63682
For information about how credentials are generated please see .
The data provider secret generated for your Patchworks data source via Occtoo. For information about how credentials are generated please see .
This is the API key generated from the Marketplacer dashboard via Extensions > API access:
When a user chooses to using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
If you don't see the REST RECORD SERVICE (BETA) option, look for a blue banner at the top of the setup | company | enable features page: Use the click here link to view Beta activities and apply to participate in the Oracle NetSuite Umbrella Beta Program Beta activity:
Adding a new role is optional - if you have an existing role that you would like to use that's fine - you can simply select that role (via setup | users/roles | manage roles) and go straight to .
Step 4 Go directly to .
Step 4
Assign the Patchworks integration
role that you saved in .
These credentials are only displayed once and are needed to of the NetSuite connector - make sure that you have them noted securely for future reference.
Step 8 The required NetSuite setup is now complete. If you haven't done so already, , then and !
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Step 2 Select admin from the top navigation bar and then feeds from the left-hand navigation bar:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
CALLBACK URL set to for the Patchworks production environment
API key
Enter the API key provided for this integration.
api key
API keys are generated via the Octopus Energy dashboard.
The electricity meter-point’s MPAN.
The gas meter-point’s MPAN.
Gas meter serial number
The gas meter serial number.
Electric meter serial number
The gas meter serial number.
site id
Your OneStock site ID, as provided by OneStock.
user id
Your OneStock username, as provided by OneStock.
The password associated with your OneStock user id
base url
Leave set to the default URL.
response authentication token key
Generate a OneStock token and enter it here. OneStock tokens can be generated via the OneStock API as detailed in this OneStock guide.
This is the API key generated from the PagerDuty dashboard.
store name
Enter your Pimberly store name (this should NOT be in the form of a URL)
Enter the token provided for your Patchworks integration.
Enter the token provided for this integration.
Your Marketplacer URL in full - for example:
Accounting lists
Customer status
Custom fields
Custom body fields
Custom entity fields
Custom record types
Custom column fields
Custom item fields
Custom lists
Custom transaction fields
Log in using access tokens
REST web services
SuiteAnalytics workbook
Entity-subsidiary relationship view
Record custom field
Payment methods
Shipping items
Perform search
Customer deposit
Customer payment
Customer refund
Find transaction
Fulfill Orders
Sales order
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, they are required to enter the following credentials:
Consumer key
Account id
Note that this value is case sensitive and must be entered exactly as it shows in your NetSuite URL. For example, in NetSuite where the account ID is 1234567-SB1
we must use whatever shows in the URL, which generally changes upper to lowercase (e.g. 1234567-sb1
Private key
Certificate id
If you are using a custom version of our prebuilt NetSuite connector (i.e. if authentication method and/or endpoint settings have been updated after the original installation), please be aware that your settings and requirements may vary.
In order to add connector instances for NetSuite using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, you must have completed all generic setup detailed in our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks guide.
Then, please complete the steps detailed in the following sections to enable OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication:
If you have followed our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks guide, you will have added a Patchworks integration and saved your client credentials (consumer key
/client id
and consumer secret
/client secret
) to a password manager. Make sure that you have these to hand.
If you can't find these credentials, you can generate a new set.
Be aware that if you reset credentials that have already been used to configure Patchworks connector instances, process flows will fail until you apply the new credentials.
This is always the first element of the URL that you can see having logged into NetSuite. For example, with the following URL:
...the account id would be:
Follow the steps below:
Step 1 From a command line or terminal window, use the command below to generate a certificate:
Step 2 You'll be prompted to enter information such as company name, email, etc. Complete each prompt as appropriate and press Enter.
Step 3 Two files will be generated:
For more information about certificate requirements in NetSuite, please see the following NetSuite article:
Follow the steps below:
Step 1 Log into NetSuite as an admin user.
Step 2 Navigate to setup > integration > OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup:
Step 3 Click the create new button:
...the create a new credentials mapping page is displayed:
Step 4 Select your name (or a preferred alternative) from the entity dropdown field, followed by the role (this should be administrator) and finally the application (the name of your Patchworks integration).
Step 5 Click the choose a file button:
Step 6 Upload the auth-cert.pem file that you generated in Stage 1:
Step 7 Add the certificate id to your password manager - you'll need this to add connector instances for NetSuite later:
Having done this, you can go straight to Stage 5.
Follow the steps below if you want to create the script manually:
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard and select scripts from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the create script button:
Step 3 In the name field, type the following:
Step 4 In the description field, type the following:
Step 5 Click in the language field and select JavaScript:
Step 6 Click the create button.
Step 7 The script is created and opened in edit mode - select and remove any placeholder code:
Step 8 Paste in the code below.
Step 9 Click the save and deploy button:
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select connectors and instances from the left-hand navigation menu to access your installed connectors.
Step 2 If the NetSuite connector is not already installed, install it now.
Step 3 Find your NetSuite connector and click the settings icon:
Step 4 Click the authentication option:
Step 5 Select the Netsuite OAuth2 Auth Client Credentials authentication method.
Step 6 Select the pre-request script tab:
Step 7 Click in the select script field and select your NetSuite OAuth 2 - Generate Client Assertion script::
Step 8 Select the latest version:
Step 9 Save changes:
Step 10 You can now add connector instances for NetSuite using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication.
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 1 authentication, they are required to enter the following credentials:
Consumer key
Consumer secret
Account id
Token secret
Signature algorithm
Always set to sha256
Signature method
Always set to HMAC-SHA256
For a NetSuite sandbox the accountid
shown in NetSuite (as opposed to your NetSuite URL) typically includes an -SB
element - for example: 1234567-SB1
The realm
will be the same value EXCEPT that the -SB
element changes from a dash to an underscore.
So, an accountid
of 1234567-SB1
becomes 1234567_SB1
for the realm
In order to add connector instances for NetSuite using OAuth 1 authentication, you must have completed all generic setup detailed in our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks guide.
If you are using a custom version of our prebuilt NetSuite connector (i.e. if authentication method and/or endpoint settings have been updated after the original installation), please be aware that your settings and requirements may vary.
If you have followed our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks guide, you will have added a Patchworks integration and saved your client credentials (consumer key
/client id
and consumer secret
/client secret
) to a password manager.
If you can't find these credentials, a new set can be generated.
Be aware that if you reset credentials that have already been used to configure Patchworks connector instances, process flows will fail until you apply the new credentials.
This is always the first element of the URL that you can see having logged into NetSuite. For example, with the following URL:
...the account id would be:
A token key and token secret can be generated for users with a Patchworks integration role. In NetSuite, navigate to setup
| users/roles
| access tokens
These values should be added to a password manager at the time they are generated as they can't be re-accessed in NetSuite. If you can't find these credentials, a new set can be generated.
Be aware that if you reset credentials that have already been used to configure Patchworks connector instances, process flows will fail until you apply the new credentials.
Plytix is a Product Information Management (PIM) solution which helps to distribute product information anywhere online.
API documentation for Plytix (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Plytix, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
API key
API password
Having installed the Plytix connector, some additional setup is required before it can be used. You need to create a post-request script and apply this to the connector.
Having completed this setup, the Plytix connector is ready to use.
Having installed the Plytix connector, some setup is required before it can be used. You must:
Once this setup is complete, you can add instances for use in process flows.
A post-request script is required to generate an authentication token from the given instance credentials. Follow the steps below to create this script.
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select scripts from the left-hand navigation menu.
Step 2 Click the create script button:
Step 3 In the name field, type the following:
Step 4 In the description field, type the following:
Step 5 Click in the language field and select PHP 8.1:
Step 6 Click the create button.
Step 7 The script is created and opened in edit mode - select and remove any placeholder code:
Step 8 Paste in the code below.
Step 9 Click the save and deploy button:
Step 1 From the Patchworks dashboard, select connectors and instances from the left-hand navigation menu to access your installed connectors.
Step 2 Find your Plytix connector and click the settings icon.
Step 3 Click the authentication option:
Step 4 Select the API key authentication method:
Step 5 In the lower panel, select the post-request script tab:
Step 6 Click in the select script field and select your Plytix Post-Request Script:
Step 7 Select the latest version:
Step 8 Save changes:
Step 9 You can now add instances of this connector for use in process flows.
OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research organisation that focuses on developing advanced AI technologies and models.
API documentation for ChatGPT (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for OpenAI, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Rebound is a customer data and experience platform for retail.
API documentation for Rebound (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Rebound, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
API key
The API key generated for this integration.
Your Rebound user name.
The URL required to obtain authentication.
RabbitMQ is an open-source message-broker.
API documentation for RabbitMQ (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for RabbitMQ, the following authentication methods are supported:
ReturnGo is a self-service return management portal that allows customers to return and exchange products increases revenue and customer retention.
API documentation for ReturnGo (used to build this connector) can be found via the link(s) below:
When adding connector instances for ReturnGo, the following authentication methods are supported:
Reveni helps eCommerce merchants provide instant refunds and exchanges for their customers.
When adding connector instances for Aero Commerce, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to using bearer token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Returnless is an all-in-one returns platform to handle returns faster, lower costs and prevent future returns.
API documentation for Returnless (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Returnless, the following authentication methods are supported:
This is the API key generated from the Marketplacer dashboard via Extensions > API access:
Currency This permission is only displayed if the multi-currency feature is enabled for your company. If you need to check this, navigate to setup | company | enable features | company.
Generated in Netsuite as part of your initial Patchworks integration. For more information see .
This is always the first element of the URL that you can see having logged into NetSuite. For more information see .
Paste in the entire contents of the private key (auth-key.pem
) that has been generated for NetSuite. For more information see .
Paste in the certificate id associated with the certificate file (auth-cert.pem
) that has been uploaded to NetSuite. For more information see e.
We've added the required to our script marketplace, so you can download it directly from there if preferred. To do this, select scripts from the left-hand navigation bar, then install the Netsuite Prereq Oauth2 CC script:
Generated in Netsuite as part of your initial Patchworks integration. For more information see:
Generated in Netsuite as part of your initial Patchworks integration. For more information see:
This is always the first element of the URL that you can see having logged into NetSuite. For more information see:
Generated per user in Netsuite. For more information see: .
Generated per user in Netsuite. For more information see: .
Enter your Plytix API key. For information about generating API credentials please see .
Enter your Plytix API password. For information about generating API credentials please see .
When you are logged into OpenAI, you can to be used as your token .
When a user chooses to with user pass authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter the required RabbitMQ host name (created when RabbitMQ was set up).
Enter your RabbitMQ username.
Enter your RabbitMQ password.
Enter the required RabbitMQ vhost name (created when RabbitMQ was set up).
Enter your Returnless API key. For information about generating keys please see this Returnless guide.
Leave set to the default setting (currently api-v2.returnless.com
Leave set to the default setting (currently 2023-01
The base URL that you use to access Reveni (without an https//
prefix). For example:
Enter the API key generated from your Reveni dashboard.
store Uuid
Enter your Reveni store id.
Prima Solutions provide multi-channel enterprise resource planning software including order management, stock control, product development, retail & eCommerce.
When adding connector instances for Prima Solutions, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using Prima No Auth authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Instance URL
Enter the URL provided to you by Prima Solutions, excluding the final /wsdl
section. For example: http://websvc2.dubarry.com:8080/wsadevtest/wsadevtest/wsdl
would be entered as:
Company ID
Your Prima Solutions company ID is only required if you will be using the COMWSOMHANDLER
endpoint - it is not required if you are only using the WSOMHANDLER
The Prima Solutions connector has some specific behaviour that must be considered when you work with this connection in process flows. For further information please see our Setting up a Prima Solutions connection page.
Leave set to the default api.returngo.ai
shop name
Update the first part of the default text with your shopify store name. Do not include an https://
prefix. For example: patchworks.myshopify.com
OrderWise is an integrated ERP system that connects business functions, enabling customers to take control across all stock and order activity in a single system.
When adding connector instances for OrderWise, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
base url
Leave as the default owapi-demo.orderwisecloud.com/OWAPI
Enter your API token for OrderWise.
Typically, connectors are defined with endpoints which determine exactly what data is being requested (pull customer records, post product details, etc.). However, the Prima Solutions connector works in a different way, with two generic endpoints:
The actual data required for a request must be passed into the Prima Solutions connection shape, as part of your process flow. You do this via a shape.
Whatever is defined for the manual payload is passed into the body of the subsequent Prima Solutions connection request.
Finally - once a successful connection is made - the response must be converted from XML to JSON, ready for onward processing.
With this in mind, a process flow that needs to pull data from Prima Solutions will usually require three shapes in the following sequence:
Manual payload shape, which includes the required in an XML string
Connection shape, configured with a Prima Solutions endpoint
Script shape, configured with an
For example:
Request data to be passed into a Prima Solutions connection shape must be based on the Prima Web Services XML Schema Definition. Some examples are shown below.
Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a cloud-based suite of products that enable eCommerce businesses to set up eCommerce sites, drive more automation and provide customers with seamless shopping experiences.
API documentation for Shopware (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Salesforce Commerce Cloud, the following authentication methods are supported:
ReturnGo is installed as a Shopify app. Once installed, you can access settings | integrations | API to copy/add an API key.
Before the response from a Prima Solutions request can be be processed, it must be converted to a JSON payload. To do this, you should create an XML to JSON conversion script and add this to a in your process flow.
When a user chooses to using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Notice that the response is returned as an XML string. For onward processing you must .
Set to v1
The required scope to define what access permissions should be given to Patchworks. Scopes should be entered in the form:
SALESFORCE_COMMERCE_API:{{realmid}}_{{instanceid}} {{scope 1}} {{scope 2}} {scope etc}}
. For example:
SALESFORCE_COMMERCE_API:zzhl_002 sfcc.catalogs sfcc.cdn-zones sfcc.customerlists
. For a list of valid scopes please see this Salesforce page.
Client ID
Enter the API client ID that was generated when you created an API client for Patchworks in Salesforce. For more information about generating your API client credentials please see this Salesforce guide.
Client Secret
Enter your Salesforce Cloud Commerce account password.
Short Code
This is an eight-character string that you can find in Salesforce Business Manager. For guidance, please see this Salesforce guide.
Organization ID
Each Salesforce B2C Commerce instance has its own unique organization ID, which you can find in Salesforce Business Manager. For guidance, please see this Salesforce guide.
Salsify provides Product Experience Management (PXM) software for online sellers, allowing brands to centralise their listing content and publish to multiple endpoints.
API documentation for Salsify (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Salsify, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Client ID
The clientid generated for Patchworks via Salsify.
Client secret
The secret generated for Patchworks via Salsify.
Advanced settings should not be changed unless you have a particular technical reason for doing so.
Sage 200 is a set of accountancy and management products developed by Sage Group aimed at medium-sized enterprises.
API documentation for Sage 200 (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Sage 200, the following authentication methods are supported:
Quickbooks is a cloud-based accounting solution.
API documentation for Quickbooks (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Quickbooks, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to using OAuth 2 (authorisation code) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using OAuth 2 (authorisation code) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
State length
This is a numeric value which determines the length of a random string generated (behind the scenes) during the OAuth process, for verification purposes. Our suggested setting is 10
Set to readonly
or full_access
. For more information see this Sage guide.
Client ID
& Client secret
These credentials allow Patchworks to authenticate and interact with Sage 200. Credentials are provided by Sage, upon request. For more information see this Sage guide.
Subscription key
Subscription keys are required to allow API access to data in Sage products. These keys are generated in the Sage Developer Portal, by subscribing to a product - in this case you would subscribe to Sage 200. For more information see this Sage guide.
& X-Site
These are unique identifiers for your company and specific site(s) within Sage 200. Including these IDs ensures that requests are routed to the right company and site. To retrieve this information from Sage, please refer this Sage community topic.
OAuth Authorised Code
This advanced setting is not required for general use.
Base URL
Enter the URL that you use to access Quickbooks, without the https://
prefix. For example: sandbox-quickbooks.api.intuit.com
Company Id
Enter your Quickbooks company id (also known as realm id). This can be found in Quickbooks under the Billing & Subscription option. For more information please see this Quickbooks help article.
Client ID
Your client id
is generated from the Quickbooks dashboard as part of your Patchworks app setup process. For more information please refer to this Quickbooks guide.
Client Secret
Your client secret
is generated from the Quickbooks dashboard as part of your Patchworks app setup process. For more information please refer to this Quickbooks guide.
State length
If you have been given a state length, enter it here. This is a numeric value which determines the length of a random string generated (behind the scenes) during the OAuth process, for verification purposes.
Enter the required scope for Patchworks authorisation. For more information about allowed scopes please see this Quickbooks guide.
Response authentication token key
Leave set to access_token.
Grant type
Leave set to authorization_code
Response type key
Leave set to code
Refresh grant type)
Leave set to refresh token
Response refresh token key)
Leave set to refresh token
We strongly recommend installing the Patchworks app from the Shopify marketplace - this creates a connector and adds an authenticated connector instance, seamlessly - there's no need for you to obtain your own tokens for authentication and apply them to your connector instance manually.
However, if for some reason you do need to create/update a Shopify instance manually, this guide shows how to obtain a Shopify token.
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token-based authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
The URL used to access a Shopify store always follows the convention:
. For example, the URL for our 'Patchworks Docs Demo' store is:
When adding credentials for a new instance, you only need to provide the name of your store - don't enter https://
and don't enter .myshopify.com
. So taking our example, the store would be entered as: patchworks-docs-demo
Whenever a process flow sends a Shopify API request using token-based authentication, Shopify's X-Shopify-Access-Token
option is passed in the request header. The value is set to whatever token was provided when the associated connector instance was added.
To obtain an API token, you must access your Shopify admin portal and create/install a new Patchworks Integration app. At the end of this procedure, you will be given an API token - this token should be used when adding connector instances for your Shopify store for use in process flows.
The steps required are summarised below.
Step 1 Log into the Shopify admin portal for your store.
Step 2 Select apps from the left-hand navigation menu:
Step 3 Select App and sales channel settings:
Step 4 Check the URL at the top of the left-hand navigation panel and add it to your password manager, ready for your Patchworks setup:
This is the same URL that you use to log into the admin portal.
Step 5 Click the develop apps for your store button:
Step 6 Click the create an app button:
...the create an app form is displayed:
Step 7 In the app name field, enter an appropriate name. For example:
If you're creating this app to work with a Patchworks blueprint, there may be a dependency on this name in your installed process flows. Please check the installation guide for any specific requirements for this name.
Step 8 Select an app developer from the dropdown list. This can be the store owner or any staff/collaborator account with the develop apps permission.
Step 9 Click the create app button:
...details for the new app are shown:
Step 9 Go directly to stage 2.
Step 1 Click the configure admin API scopes button:
Step 2 From the admin API access scopes page, select checkboxes to enable all API access scopes:
Step 3 Scroll down to the webhook subscriptions panel and ensure that the (latest) option is selected from the dropdown list:
Step 4 Click the save button at the end of this page:
Step 5 Go directly to stage 3.
Step 1 Click the install app button at the top of the page:
...the API credentials page is displayed.
Step 2 In the top admin API access token panel, click the reveal token once option:
Step 3 Copy this token and add it to your password manager, ready for use in your Patchworks setup:
REVIEWS.io is a review collection and management tool that helps businesses grow their online reputation.
API documentation for REVIEWS.io (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for REVIEWS.io, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using basic authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
API key
Store id
Sanity.io provides a modern CMS that transforms content into a competitive advantage.
When adding connector instances for Sanity.io, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using API token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter your personal API token for Sanity.io. For information about how this token is generated and viewed, see .
API version
Leave the default setting in place.
project id
Enter the relevant project id for Sanity.io. For information about how to find this information, see .
Shopify is a cloud-based, fully hosted commerce platform which can be used to create and manage online stores and sell across multiple channels (including web, mobile, social media, online marketplaces, brick-and-mortar locations, and pop-up shops).
A Patchworks app is available in the Shopify marketplace - by installing this app, you create a Patchworks connector with an authenticated instance, instantly.
API documentation for Shopify (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
GraphQL is preferred for Shopify APIs - REST API endpoints will be deprecated in the coming months.
Starting in 2025, Shopify will phase out key REST API capabilities. By February 2025, public apps using REST product APIs must migrate to GraphQL, with custom apps needing to follow suit by April 2025 (for handling more than 100 variants).
Additionally, checkout
mutations in REST will be unavailable from April 2025. Shopify strongly recommends transitioning to GraphQL to avoid disruptions and ensure smoother, more efficient integrations.
Please refer to the Shopify API Documentation for details on key deprecation dates.
If you've been using the Shopify connector with REST API endpoints (either installed via our Shopify app or the Patchworks marketplace), we advise updating the connector from the Patchworks marketplace, so GraphQL endpoints are available.
Having updated the Shopify connector, you should then edit process flows where the Shopify connector is used and switch any REST API endpoints to a GraphQL equivalent. If you can't find a GraphQL endpoint that you need, you can add your own.
We strongly recommend installing the Patchworks app from the Shopify marketplace - this creates a connector and adds an authenticated connector instance, seamlessly.
You must have a Patchworks account to install the app. If you don't have an existing account, you can register for a trial account or contact our Sales team.
If Multi-factor authentication is enabled for your Patchworks account, it must be disabled (temporarily) before completing the steps below. Please see Disabling 2FA for your Patchworks login if you're unsure how to do this.
Step 1 Log into your Shopify admin portal and search for the Patchworks app:
Step 2 Review access requirements and click the install button:
Step 3 Click the sign in button:
Step 4 Provide your Patchworks account credentials and sign in:
Step 5 Click install latest version:
Step 6 The connector is installed with an instance - click head to Patchworks to access the Patchworks dashboard:
The instance name is the same as your Shopify store - you can change this later if necessary.
Step 7 In the Patchworks dashboard, you can view your new connector by selecting connectors & instances from the left-hand navigation menu:
...all your installed connectors are displayed, including Shopify:
Step 8 If you disabled Multi-Factor authentication before starting this process, you should enable it again now. Further information can be found in our Two-factor authentication guide.
ShipBob is a global fulfillment solution used by brands to ship orders from everywhere their customers shop.
API documentation for ShipBob (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for ShipBob, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to add a connector instance using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Enter your Shipbob URL - for example: https://sandbox-api.shipbob.com
SEKO provides complete supply chain solutions, specialising in transportation, logistics, forwarding and warehousing.
When adding connector instances for SEKO, the following authentication methods are supported:
When a user chooses to using API key authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
Shiptheory is an online platform that allows businesses to integrate with channels and carriers to automate shipping processes.
API documentation for Shiptheory (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:
When adding connector instances for Shiptheory, the following authentication methods are supported:
Shopify is phasing out its REST API capabilities and strongly recommends transitioning to GraphQL. If you've been using the Shopify connector with REST API endpoints, we advise , so GraphQL endpoints are available.
When browsing endpoints for the latest Shopify connector, you'll find that REST API endpoints are prefixed with the word LEGACY
, and GraphQL
endpoints are available:
A key advantage of GraphQL is that connector endpoints can be configured with queries that request only the data needed, minimising information over and under-fetching.
Our suggested approach for adding custom GraphQL endpoints is to take a copy of an existing endpoint with similar properties and then edit the copy as needed. These steps are detailed in two stages:
Step 2
Select connectors & instances
Step 3
Click the settings icon
associated with your Shopify connector:
Step 5
Find an existing GraphQL query that's similar to the one you want to add. For example, if your new query relates to retrieving customer records, the GraphQL Retrieve a list of customers
endpoint would be a good option:
Endpoints are organised by entity type - you can scroll through this list, or CTRL+F or CMD+F to search on the name.
Step 6
Scroll to the right and select the clone
Step 7 You'll see two confirmation messages - the first advising that the clone task is queued and the second confirming when the task is completed (these are typically instant but may take longer in busy times) - for example:
Step 8 Refresh the page (CTRL+ R or CMD+ R). Now you should see a copy of the endpoint with an incremented number in brackets - for example:
Step 1 Click the name of the newly cloned endpoint:
You're now viewing the setup for this endpoint, with general details in the upper panel and a series of tabs in the lower panel:
Step 3 Update remaining fields in this panel, if necessary:
Step 4
Move down to the lower panel (where the authentication tab is displayed) and toggle token authentication
to on
...you'll see a confirmation message when this authentication method is added:
Step 6
Click the URL
tab and set the following options:
For example:
Shopify GraphQL queries are executed by sending POST HTTP requests to the following endpoint:
This URL
includes a {store_name}
variable that is resolved from the Shopify store name that's entered when instances for this connector are added and used in process flows - you don't need to change anything here.
For reference, the header includes one parameter named X-Shopify-Access-Token
, with a value set to {{token}}
Step 8
Click the body
tab - here you'll find the GraphQL query for the endpoint you cloned earlier:
...from here, you can edit the existing query as needed.
Queries for existing GraphQL endpoints (installed with the Shopify connector) include pagination settings - for example:
{ customers(first: 50 query: $query {{pagination_cursor}}) { pageInfo {startCursor hasPreviousPage hasNextPage endCursor}
Step 9
Schemas aren't required for GraphQL queries. With so much flexibility to control what fields are returned by queries, adding a schema can often become confusing and difficult to maintain - general (though not mandatory) advice is to ignore the schema
tab for GraphQL endpoints.
Step 10
Click the pagination
tab and set the following options:
For example:
Step 11 Save changes to return to the list of endpoints:
Generated in your Shopify admin portal - see the tab.
Available from the REVIEWS.io dashboard via Integrations > API. For information please see .
Available from the REVIEWS.io dashboard via Integrations > API. For information please see .
Enter your Shipbob token (PAT). Please see for guidance on generating tokens.
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
When a user chooses to using token authentication, the credentials below are prompted:
includes a range of predefined GraphQL endpoints with queries for different entity types (products, customers, orders, etc.). However, GraphQL is so flexible that you may want to add custom endpoints to the Shopify connector, with more targeted queries for your needs. This guide walks through the steps needed to achieve this.
Ensure that your Patchworks Shopify connector is up to date. For more information please see .
Step 1
Log in to the and select process flows
from the left-hand navigation menu:
Step 4
You're now in the - click the endpoints
Step 2 Change the name to reflect the purpose of this endpoint (the name entered here is displayed to users when configuring ) - for example:
If you started this task by , you may not need to change the entity type or direction. For further information about these options, please see our .
Step 5
Not all endpoints require variables - check the and if needed, click the variables
tab to add them:
For further information about these options, please see our .
Step 7
Click the header
tab. Unless the states otherwise, header
information is always the same, so the details shown for your cloned endpoint don't need to be changed:
These work in conjunction with our predefined GraphQL cursor
pagination method, and can be updated as required. You can learn more about GraphQL pagination in .
Enter your SCAYLE tenant name - for example: acme
Enter your SCAYLE space name - for example: live
access token
Enter your SCAYLE API key. For information please see this SCAYLE help guide.
HTTP method
Pagination method
GraphQL Cursor
EndCursor path
Replace the entity
element with the data element you're querying - for example:
HasNextPage path
Replace the entity
element with the data element you're querying - for example:
API key
Enter the API key provided for this integration.
The Patchworks SFTP connector is used to connect SFTP servers, for use in process flows.
When adding connector instances for the Patchworks SFTP connector, the following authentication methods are supported:
Guidance for using these authentication methods is summarised below.
If you are using a custom version of our prebuilt SFTP connector (i.e. if the authentication method and/or endpoint settings have been updated after the original installation), please be aware that your settings and requirements may vary.
The Patchworks SFTP connector supports authentication via username/password. If you choose to add a connector instance with user pass authentication, you need to enter the following details:
Enter the host name provided by your SFTP provider. For example: eu-west-1.sftpcloud.io
Enter the username provided by your SFTP provider.
Enter the password provided by your SFTP provider.
Enter the port number provided by your SFTP provider.
Enter the initial directory that the SFTP client connects to once a connection is made. This becomes the reference point for subsequent file operations. For example: /
Refers to file visibility - set to public
or private
. The default setting of public
is typical however, set to private
if your SFTP server requires.
Directory visibility
Set to public
or private
. The default setting of public
is typical however, set to private
if your SFTP server requires.
Max tries
Enter the maximum number of connection attempts that should be made before the connection is determined to have have failed.
Enter the maximum number of seconds that the connector should wait for a response from the SFTP server before it determines the connection attempt to be failed.
The Patchworks SFTP connector supports authentication via public/private keys. If you choose to add a connector instance with key pass authentication, you need to enter the following details:
Enter the host name provided by your SFTP provider. For example: eu-west-1.sftpcloud.io
Enter the username provided by your SFTP provider.
Enter the port number provided by your SFTP provider.
Private key
Copy/paste in the private key for this connection. The key should be pasted in full - for example:
If you added a passphrase when generating public/private keys for this connection, enter it here.
Host fingerprint
Enter the initial directory that the FTP client connects to once a connection is made. This becomes the reference point for subsequent file operations. For example: /
Refers to file visibility - set to public
or private
. The default setting of public
is typical however, set to private
if your SFTP server requires.
Directory visibility
Set to public
or private
. The default setting of public
is typical however, set to private
if your SFTP server requires.
Max tries
Enter the maximum number of connection attempts that should be made before the connection is determined to have have failed.
Enter the maximum number of seconds that the connector should wait for a response from the SFTP server before it determines the connection attempt to be failed.
Server finger prints are created using the FTP server’s public key. The server will provide this in either SSH-RSA or SSH-SHA format. Patchworks chooses the most secure public key format available on the FTP server for fingerprint verification, noting that:
The public key must be Base64 decoded and then hashed with either md5 or sha512 algorithms.
The preferred key format is ssh-ed25519 but ssh-rsa format is acceptable.
The steps below summarise how to generate a host server fingerprint:
Step 1 Assuming that your public key is stored on your FTP server, you can use the following OpenSSH command to scan the available public key and save it to a local file:
More information about OpenSSH command can be find here: https://www.openssh.com.
Step 2 Open the file - it should display the key with its hostname and key format - for example:
Step 3
To generate your host server fingerprint
you will need to copy the key, decode it and then hash it with either the md5 or sha512 algorithm. You can do this with https://onlinephp.io/ using the code snippet below:
Here, you should replace the YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE
placeholder in line 3 with your own public key, then execute the code to generate a fingerprint value:
The fingerprint is generated in either md5 or sha51 format, depending on whether the first element of the $content
array (line 4) is ssh-rsa. If it is, the hash algorithm is set to md5 - otherwise, it's set to sha512.
If an error is given when you try to save connector instance settings, check that:
Your credentials are valid
The associated user has permissions to access the specified root and path directories on the FTP server
It's a good idea to try the same settings in an FTP client - if they work there, they should work when creating a Patchworks instance.
For further information about working with the SFTP connector please see our Configuring SFTP connections page.
Your Shiptheory API key - obtained from the Shiptheory dashboard under user settings:
Specify a location of specific files or directories relative to the root that you wish to use, or leave blank.
Whenever the , you need to enter the required path
to be accessed. With this in mind, there's no need to be too specific when setting up the instance - entering /
here is fine.
Private visibility is where an SFTP server does not list files within directories - which means you have to know the exact name of any file(s) that you want to target.
Private directory visibility is where an SFTP server does not list directories from the root - which means you have to know the exact name of any directory that you want to target.
Currently, RSA (.pem
) format must be used. If your key is in a different format, you can convert it using tools such as .
This is an optional security measure, normally used to ensure that the server you are connecting to is not an imposter - it aims to mitigate threats such as 'man in the middle' attacks. Here, an MD5 or SHA512 fingerprint can be used. Fingerprints are tied to the hashing algorithm used to generate the public key - the default is often (but not always) MD5. For more information please see the section below.
Specify a location of specific files or directories relative to the root that you wish to use, or leave blank.
Whenever the , you need to enter the required path
to be accessed. With this in mind, there's no need to be too specific when setting up the instance - entering /
here is fine.
Private visibility is where an SFTP server does not list files within directories - which means you have to know the exact name of any file(s) that you want to target.
Private directory visibility is where an SFTP server does not list directories from the root - which means you have to know the exact name of any directory that you want to target.
(powered by Magento) is a flexible, scalable commerce platform that lets you create uniquely personalised B2B and B2C experiences.
is a performance-based platform that's extendable and scalable, providing bespoke, personalised eCommerce stores for retailers.
is a single platform which empowers teams to build custom apps on top of shared data.
is a product information management and product data intelligence solution.
is a search-as-a-service API that focuses on providing the best experience for end users.
is a cloud-based eCommerce platform that provides software as a service to retailers.
provides a seamless logistics process, from warehousing and inventory management to order fulfilment.
is an eCommerce platform specialising in marketing automation, product discovery, and content management systems.
is a Retail Operating System (ROS) for retailers and wholesalers.
is a cloud-based ERP solution.
is a commerce platform for fashion & lifestyle brands.
ensures product info and stock levels are synchronised across marketplaces.
is a fully integrated, cloud-based inventory management solution.
is a leading provider of warehouse management systems for businesses.
is an e-commerce personalisation platform that helps e-commerce businesses analyse customer behaviours.
is a (SaaS) platform that helps retailers improve in-store shopping experiences by combining digital assets with physical stores.
is an API-first commerce engine that makes it easy to incorporate full eCommerce functionality into your existing tech stack.
provides all composable components needed to build and run shopping experiences.
is a cloud-based retail software provider which incorporates eCommerce, stock control, CRM, merchandising and warehousing modules.
is an inventory management system for retail, eCommerce, DTC & 3PL users.
is the Warehouse Management System for eCommerce businesses, online retailers and direct to consumer brands.
integrates with key business systems to enable data-driven, automated campaigns and rich, real-time insights.
is a developer SDK and API used to parse, generate, validate, split, acknowledge, represent, view, and document EDI files.
is a leading managed print service (MPS) software supplier, helping customers optimise their print and imaging operations.
is a customer engagement platform that helps marketers in a range of industries deliver personalised experiences.
cloud-based solution combines (m)POS, e-commerce, clienteling, order management, and inventory & fulfillment.
focuses on supply chain management and logistics, including order management, delivery, trade financing, insurance, freight forwarding and customs brokerage.
a leading order management system which optimises fulfillment and solves inventory visibility issues.
is a cloud-based customer engagement solution for streamlining customer support.
The can be used to connect your SFTP servers for use in process flows.
is a SaaS solution, which handles all key fulfillment processes.
is a fully managed enterprise data warehouse that helps you manage and analyse your data.
is used for streaming analytics and data integration pipelines to load and distribute data.
is whatever you want it to be! Retrieve and update data from your sheets as needed.
is a customer support platform built for eCommerce companies.
is a leader in cutting-edge warehousing and distribution - designing, managing, and optimising supply chains and delivering customised, tech-enabled solutions.
(by PayPal) is a software and reverse logistics company that works with online merchants to handle product returns.
is an eCommerce fulfilment partner, helping businesses of all sizes scale using third party logistics (3PL).
is a CRM platform with software integrations and resources to connect marketing, sales, content management, and customer service.
provides a network of Automated Parcel Machines (APMs) across the UK, allowing customers to send, return, and collect parcels.
is an SaaS provider specialising in product information management, transforming product information into a profit-making asset.
(developed by Atlassian) is a software solution that allows bug tracking, issue tracking and agile project management.
provides a marketing automation platform, used primarily for email marketing and SMS marketing.
(Vend) is a retail POS, inventory management, and eCommerce solution.
is an eCommerce inventory and order management platform that helps retailers automate key processes.
is a delivery management software and route optimisation application that integrates with all major eCommerce and ERP platforms.
is a marketing automation and email marketing platform.
The is used to build integrations into existing eCommerce platforms.
The API is used by sellers to automate the processes required for selling their products on a Marketplacer marketplace.
is a flexible, scalable document database.
eCommerce software provides online marketplace software to retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers.
is a cloud-based solution that helps businesses manage all aspects of their operations.
is an Experience Data Platform that helps marketers consolidate information about products, consumers & purchasing behaviours.
is a British renewable energy group specialising in sustainable energy.
is a suite of open source business apps covering CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, and more.
is a customer data and experience platform for retail.
is an online marketplace connecting buyers with business sellers (and vice versa).
is an order management system used by businesses to grow sales, simplify returns, and optimise everything in between.
is an artificial intelligence research organisation that focuses on developing advanced AI technologies and models.
is an integrated ERP system that connects business functions, enabling customers to take control across all stock and order activity in a single system.
is a SaaS incident response platform, delivering visibility and intelligence across the entire lifecycle of incidents.
is a Product Information Management platform, helping with all aspects of product data processing.
is a Product Information Management (PIM) solution which helps to distribute product information anywhere online.
provide enterprise resource planning software including order management, stock control, product development, retail & eCommerce.
is a cloud-based accounting solution.
is a popular, open-source message-broker.
is a returns management specialist, enabling easy omnichannel returns for retailers and consumers.
is a self-service return management portal that allows customers to return and exchange products.
is an all-in-one returns platform to handle returns faster, lower costs and prevent future returns.
helps eCommerce merchants provide instant refunds and exchanges for their customers.
is a review collection and management tool that helps businesses grow their online reputation.
is a set of accountancy and management products developed by Sage Group aimed at medium-sized enterprises.
enables businesses to set up eCommerce sites, drive more automation and provide customers with seamless shopping experiences.
provides Product Experience Management (PXM) software for online sellers, allowing brands to centralise their listing content and publish to multiple endpoints.
provides a modern CMS that transforms content into a competitive advantage.
is a commerce engine enabling brands and retailers to scale their business across technology, operations, and online marketing.
provides complete supply chain solutions, specialising in transportation, logistics, forwarding and warehousing.
The Patchworks can be used to connect your SFTP servers for use in process flows.
is a global fulfillment solution used by brands to ship orders from everywhere their customers shop.
is an online platform that allows businesses to integrate with channels and carriers to automate shipping processes.
is an eCommerce platform for businesses to create and manage their online stores in a highly tailored way.
is an eCommerce platform for businesses to create and manage their online stores.
is an integrated tool for marketing and creating online shops.
is a cloud-based POS and unified commerce platform for global retailers.
provides a single platform for data warehousing, data lakes, data engineering - together with secure sharing and consumption of real-time / shared data.
enables powerful B2B ordering on major eCommerce platforms.
provides seamless, multi-channel and multi-location order and warehouse management for retailers and wholesalers.
is an all-in-one solution encompassing customer ordering, stock management, and accounting.
combines seamless returns experiences with flexible financing to help businesses scale.
project, product, & portfolio management solutions are designed to enhance Jira by helping teams collaborate, plan, budget, track, and work smarter.
is a modular SaaS platform that sits between the retailer and their suppliers.
is an e-commerce solution integrated within TikTok, enabling merchants and creators to showcase and sell products.
are eCommerce supply chain specialists, offering comprehensive solutions and services to optimise supply chains, from warehouse to doorstep.
is a web-based, kanban-style, list-making application and is developed by Trello Enterprise, a subsidiary of Atlassian.
customer engagement platform combines flexible APIs for any digital channel.
by Amazon is multichannel shipping software with discounted rates, automation and inventory control.
is a modular SaaS platform that sits between the retailer and their suppliers.
is a leading software solutions provider tailored to the apparel, footwear, uniform, sportswear and fashion accessories industry.
provides an end-to-end eCommerce platform with performance-driven digital marketing services.
is a customer experience platform helping retailers with marketing automations, loyalty schemes, campaign management, and more.
is the UK's leading logistics company, specialising in fulfilment, contact centres, mail and parcel delivery management.
(Woo) is an open-source eCommerce platform for Wordpress websites.
provides cloud-based accounting software for small businesses.
provide software-as-a-service products related to customer support, sales, and other customer communications.
is a market-leading global returns solution provider.