Commercetools (prebuilt connector)


Commercetools provides all composable components needed to build and run shopping experiences.

API documentation

API documentation for Commercetools (used to build this connector) can be found via the link below:


When adding connector instances for Commercetools, the following authentication methods are supported:

OAuth 2 (client credentials)

When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 2 (client credentials) authentication, the credentials below are prompted:



The scopes selected when your API client was created for Patchworks (via the Commercetools dashboard). Multiple scopes should be separated by spaces.

Client ID

The clientid generated when your API client was created for Patchworks (via the Commercetools dashboard).


The secret generated when your API client was created for Patchworks (via the Commercetools dashboard).

Project key

The unique project key for your Commercetools environment.

Commercetools server region

The server region to be used for token requests. The default is europe-west1.gcp.

Grant type

Set to client_credentials.

Response authentication token key

Set to access_token.

Client type

Set to confidential.

Last updated

#1409: Release notes - 11.12.24

Change request updated