2023 04 30 release notes (dashboard)


This page summarises release information for Patchworks releases to Production during April 2023.

Infrastructure updates

A huge project to move all Patchworks K8s customers from Digital Ocean to AWS has now been completed.

Bug fixes

Affected feature
Patchworks #

Company groups

Fixed pagination issue which meant that filter lists did not show a full list of company groups where a large number of company groups is present.


Service sync pull count

Fixed issue where the pull count on the service sync summary was erroneously set to zero.


Inbound API

Fixed issue where users could not access settings for the Inbound API connector.


Field mappings UI

Fixed issue where duplicate mapping elements on the mapping UI could override earlier elements (reversal of logic).


Field mapping UI

Reinstated the ability to filter source/destination fields by a given value.


Last updated

#1409: Release notes - 11.12.24

Change request updated