Connector builder


With Patchworks, you can install and then use instances of prebuilt connectors, which are available from the Patchworks marketplace.

But what if there is no prebuilt connector for a business application that you want to integrate? Maybe you have a bespoke, in-house system - or perhaps you want to connect an application that's completely outside of the eCommerce arena.

The Patchworks connector builder enables you to build your own connectors, which can then be used in exactly the same way as the prebuilt connectors found in the Patchworks marketplace.

Any connectors that you build will be available to all users within your company profile. They are not visible to anyone outside of your organisation.

Who is it for?

The connector builder is designed to take away as much of the heavy lifting required to integrate systems from scratch, as possible - no coding is required!

If you're comfortable working with APIs and data structures, you can use the connector builder to integrate any application with an API.

If you know your way around Postman, we think you'll get on just fine with the connector builder. In fact, if you have a Postman collection for the connector you want to build, you can use our Postman importer! This will create a connector directly from your collection, which you can then edit (using information found in this section) as required.

In this section

Last updated

#1409: Release notes - 11.12.24

Change request updated