2023 10 26 release notes (core)
Release summary
The information detailed on this page refers to updates included in the following releases to the Patchworks Production environment:
Patchworks core (backend)
1.7.12 - 1.7.18
26th October 2023
Patchworks dashboard (frontend)
1.5.25 - 1.5.30
26th October 2023
New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:
Process flows
Core 1.7.18 CPT-970, CPT-1032, CPT-1102, CPT-1223, CPT-1320, CPT-1403
Dashboard 1.5.30 CPT-1066
Core 1.7.14, 1.7.18 CPT-1031
Core 1.7.18 Dashboard 1.5.30 CPT-1315
Core 1.7.18 CPT-1439
Dashboard 1.5.30 CPT-788
Flow variables in filter shape Fixed issue where flow variables were not referenced correctly in the filter shape.
Core 1.7.18 CPT-1246
Core 1.7.18 CPT-1250
Core 1.7.17 CPT-1406
Dispatching multiple payloads from route shape Fixed issue where payloads from shapes after a route shape were processed in parallel, rather than serially.
Core 1.7.17 CPT-1286
Core 1.7.14 CPT-1314
Core 1.7.11 CPT-1374
Connectors & instances
NetSuite pagination Fixed issues with URL parameters and ensuring signature is valid for OAuth1.
Core 1.7.12 CPT-1154
Connector builder
Core 1.7.14 CPT-1305
Prebuilt connectors
The following prebuilt connectors have been added to the Patchworks marketplace:
Connector builder
Core 1.7.14 CPT-1305
Patchworks API
Core 1.7.17 CPT-1376
Core 1.7.17 Dashboard 1.5.28 CPT-1376
Last updated