2024 11 07 release notes (core)
Last updated
Last updated
This page summarises items scheduled for the following release to the Patchworks Core Production environment.
7th November 2024 - starting between 8-9am
New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:
Connection pool timeout option A timeout option has been added to connection pool settings, so you can determine the number of seconds that a request should wait for a connection pool slot to become available, before timing out. If no timeout is defined, a default timeout period of 240 seconds applies. Connection pools
Queuing sub-flows from a manual run Previously, if a process flow contained a run process flow shape to call sub-flows and was run manually, all sub-flows would be triggered immediately (bypassing the queue system). Now all sub-flows are added to your run queue and will be processed according to standard queue rules (e.g. priority and flow concurrency allowance). Working with your run queue
Map shape - array transformations Fixed an issue where some transform functions did not transform all items in an array - only the first item was processed. Map shape
System status URL
Fixed an issue where the system status
link in the footer of the dashboard login page directed users to an old status page.