Account summary
Last updated
Last updated
The account summary page provides summary information and analysis for your Patchworks services, for any given time period.
If your Patchworks subscription includes bolt-ons (such as Stockr), additional information will be present. Please refer to the relevant Patchworks bolt-on documentation for details.
The account summary page is shown and then summarised below:
Points of note are summarised below:
Current subscription tier
Your current Patchworks subscription tier.
Date picker
Select start/end dates for analysis on this page.
Services summary
Transactions summary
The total number of processed transactions from the quota allowed for your subscription tier - irrespective of any defined date settings. Click the manage link to navigate to Patchworks plans & pricing information.
Bolt-ons summary
Any Patchworks bolt-ons added to your subscription. Click the manage link to navigate to Patchworks plans & pricing information.
Analysis tabs
By default, a services tab is displayed with associated analysis, as described here. If your subscription is associated with a Patchworks bolt-on, additional tabs/analysis may be available - please refer to the relevant Patchworks bolt-on documentation for details.
Daily transactions chart
Daily transactions by service chart
Total transactions by entity chart
Total transactions by service chart
The total number of active services from the quota allowed for your subscription tier - irrespective of any defined date settings. Click the view services link to navigate to the page.
Chart shows the number of processed transactions per day, for the selected date range. Hover your cursor over any point for more information:
Chart shows the number of processed transactions per day by service, for the selected date range. Hover your cursor over any point for service information:
Chart shows the total number of processed transactions by the entity synced, for the selected date range. Hover your cursor over any point for more information:
Chart shows the total number of processed transactions by service, for the selected date range. Hover your cursor over any point for more information: