Add a default service


This page is part 1 of of the instruction set for adding a Patchworks service for an Inbound API connector:

The steps

Follow the steps below to add a default service.

Step 1 Select services from the left-hand navigation menu:

Step 2 Click the add new service button:

This option is also available from the bottom of any connector setup page, so if you’ve just finished adding an Inbound API connector, you can go straight to service setup from there:​

When you add a new service from a connector, this connector becomes the source automatically.

Step 3 When prompted to choose a source connector (all configured connectors for your implementation are listed), select the Inbound API connector:

Step 4 When prompted to choose a destination connector, select the connector that you want to receive incoming data from the API connector:

All configured connectors - excluding the one already selected for the source (i.e. the Inbound API connector) - are available for selection.

Step 5 The configure service settings page is displayed - please see configure service settings for guidance.

Last updated