Additional setup notes for BigCommerce (services)
This page includes additional information and resources that may be useful when configuring BigCommerce in Patchworks:
BigCommerce documentation
The following links to BigCommerce's own documentation may be useful if you need to dig deeper into BigCommerce fields (for example, to configure advanced mappings):
Patchworks filters
When you are pulling data from BigCommerce, filters can be used to refine the data that is pulled. Available filter options vary, depending on which entity type is being synced (for example: orders, products, customers, etc.).
For general information about working with filters in Patchworks, please see our service filters page.
Time period filters
A common scenario for filters is to process records created/modified in the last x minutes/hours/days, or within a given timeframe. For BigCommerce, the following time period filter fields are available:
Min Date Created
Min Date Modified
The minimum date and time for which you want to retrieve records for processing. This parameter can be used to filter results so that you only get data that was created/modified on or after the specified date and time.
These values are inclusive.
Max Date Created
Max Date Modified
The maximum date and time for which you want to retrieve records for processing. This parameter can be used to filter results so that you only get data that was created/modified before or up to the specified date and time.
These values are inclusive.
Special options when pulling data from BigCommerce
When you choose to add BigCommerce as a source connector for a Patchworks service, you're prompted to provide details for a set of standard options which are common to all source connectors, irrespective of the system being used.
In addition, depending on the entity being synced, some BigCommerce-specific source options may be required. These options are summarised below:
Special options when pushing data to BigCommerce
When you choose to add BigCommerce as a destination connector for a Patchworks service, you're prompted to provide details for a set of standard options which are common to all destination connectors, irrespective of the system being used.
In addition, depending on the system you're pulling data from and the entity being synced, some BigCommerce-specific destination options may be required. These options are summarised below.