Generating token credentials for API access


A Patchworks access token is required to authorise API requests for sending data to the inbound URL for a Patchworks service.

To obtain this token, you send a set of client credentials to a Patchworks token endpoint. Patchworks validates these credentials and returns an access token you can use to POST custom payload data to the required service. Once the custom payload is received, it’s processed in the usual way.These steps are illustrated below:

Access tokens are valid for 24 hours - for example: Issued: Wednesday 20th July at 10:03:08 GMT Expires: Tuesday 21st July at 10:03:08 GMT.

Use the authentication tab for an Inbound API connector to obtain/generate details required to request access tokens for secure access to the inbound URL for a Patchworks service. You will need:

  • A Patchworks token endpoint

  • OAuth credentials for this endpoint

Patchworks uses OAuth 2.0. Watch this space for Basic Authentication support, coming soon!


To complete the steps detailed here, you must have completed the following tasks:

The steps

Follow the steps below:

Step 1 Select the authentication tab for the required Inbound API Connector:

These steps assume you are following a 'create new' connector flow. If you need to use an existing connector, find the required connector and select the authentication tab:

Step 2 Copy the token endpoint and paste it somewhere safe for future use:

… when prompted, enter a name for this set of credentials:

Step 3 Move down to the OAuth2 Clients section and select create an OAuth2 client:

… when prompted, enter a name for this set of credentials:

Step 4 Click the create new OAuth2 client button to confirm and display generated credentials:

Step 5 Copy/paste this information somewhere safe for future use.

Once this page is closed, you can’t reaccess the client secret. If you lose this information, you need to generate a new set of credentials.

Step 6 Click the close button to exit back to the connector authentication tab, where the new set of credentials is listed:

Step 7 You are now ready to add a Patchworks service - see Adding a Patchworks service for an Inbound API connector.​

Last updated