Configuring Peoplevox as a data destination (services)


If you wish to add Peoplevox as a destination connector in Patchworks (i.e. to receive data pushed from another system via Patchworks), you must ensure that Peoplevox is configured to receive the required data. To do this, follow the steps detailed here.

The steps

Step 1 In your browser, open the URL that you use to access the Peoplevox dashboard.

Step 3 Click the radio button associated with the data entity that you wish to receive:

Step 4 Check if the is configured column is set to yes or no:

If this is set to no, continue with the next step. If it's set to yes, go straight to step 8.

Step 5 You need to configure what fields are expected for the selected entity - this is done by uploading a CSV file containing a comma-separated list of field names.

I have a CSV file ready to use

Great! Go to the next step.

I don't have a CSV file

A library of CSV files is available from our Quick setup CSV files page - go there now and download the appropriate file, then continue with the steps below.

Step 6 Click the configure button:

Step 8 A list of expected fields for the entity is displayed. Make sure that all field names are present and no values are shown, then click the save button:

...Peoplevox is ready to be added as a destination connector in Patchworks.