Authorising Patchworks to access your NetSuite account (services)

Required credentials

To add a Patchworks connector for NetSuite, you don't need to enter authentication credentials in the setup form. Instead, you are directed to the NetSuite login page so you can log in and authorise access for Patchworks.

Required steps

Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard and choose to add a new connector - when prompted to choose a system, select NetSuite SuiteTalk:

Step 2 Set the live or testing environment as required and enter a name/description for this connector - then click the submit button:

Step 3 You are directed to an Oracle NetSuite login page - log in using your NetSuite account credentials:

Step 4 When prompted, choose to allow access for Patchworks:

Step 5 If authorisation is successful, you are returned to the Patchworks dashboard and the new connector is displayed: