Setting unique IDs for NetSuite product syncs (services)


When synching products from a source system into NetSuite, every item must have a unique identifier which Patchworks can use for record matching. Typically, this identifier is known as the ExternalID.

Less commonly - depending on integration requirements - NetSuite's Internal ID may be used for this purpose.

When synching products to NetSuite, some preparation is required to ensure that this unique identifier has been configured. Before products can be synced to NetSuite:

With this setup in place, the ExternalId can be specified in Patchworks field mappings for any required services.

Choosing which NetSuite field to use as the ExternalId

Often, SKUs used on the associated eCommerce site are designated as ExternalIDs but any unique, common reference can be used.

In NetSuite, the item name/number field is an obvious choice to store the ExternalID for an item however, it doesn't matter which NetSuite field is used, provided that the same field is used consistently.

Configuring the ExternalID in NetSuite

NetSuite must be configured so it knows which item field must be used as the ExternalID for syncing products/items.

This task should be completed by a NetSuite administrator, as part of the onboarding process for Patchworks.

Mapping the ExternalID in Patchworks

In Patchworks, field mappings are used to define which source data field correlates to the ExternalID in NetSuite - for example: