Finding service connector credentials for ReBound

Required credentials

To add a Patchworks connector for ReBound, the following details are required for authentication:


Your account login name, as provided by ReBound.

Your API key can be found on your profile page in the Intelligentreturns control panel. You can also generate new keys here, if required.

Obtaining credentials


This is the name that you use to log into the Intelligentreturns control panel, as provided by ReBound. It will always be a name rather than an email address - for example: patchworkstestaccount.

Your login name is displayed at the top of your Intelligentreturns profile page - see the API key section below.

API key

Step 1 Log into the Intelligentreturns control panel with your username and password provided by ReBound.

Step 2 Select profile from the settings menu:

Alternatively, you can access this page directly using the following URL: (you'll be prompted to log in with your ReBound username and password).

Step 3 Note your API key at the top of the page:

If necessary, you can use the generate new API key button to create a new key.


The URL is always:

More information

API documentation for ReBound can be found at the link below: