Finding service connector credentials for TikTok Shop

Required credentials

To add a Patchworks connector for TikTok Shop, the following details are required for OAuth2 authentication:


This is your TikTok ShopCode

TikTok Shop authentication is via OAuth2 however, you don't need to add any credentials manually.

A Patchworks app has been developed for the TikTok Shop marketplace. When setting up a Patchworks connector, authentication is achieved by authorising the installation of this app from your TikTok Shop account.

This is a seamless process, triggered when you choose to add a TikTok Shop connector in Patchworks.

Obtaining credentials


While in the TikTok Shop Seller Center, expand your account drop down to locate your Shop Code.

Authorising & Installing the Patchworks app

Step 1 Log in to your TikTok Shop account.

Step 3 Enter a name for this connector and click the submit button:

Step 4 You will be asked to authorise the Patchworks app - go ahead and authorise the app. You will be directed back to the Patchworks dashboard and the Patchworks app is installed and authenticated on both sides (TikTok and Patchworks).

If you are not already logged into your TikTok Shop, you will be prompted to log in, and can continue as above to complete the install/authorisation process.