Finding service connector credentials for Torque

Required credentials

To add a Patchworks connector for Torque, the following details are required for authentication:


Please ensure the Patchworks IP address has been whitelisted inside your instance of Torque. The required IP address is: 

Please contact Torque Support if you need assistance with this step.

Obtaining credentials

All values for required and optional fields are supplied by Torque. Please contact their support team or your representative if these have not already been provided to you.

For reference, some notes on these credentials are below.

Authentication token

We require an authentication token to authenticate and connect to your specific instance of Torque.

This value is supplied by Torque. The token may differ between live and staging instances so please ensure you are using the relevant token for the environment you are trying to connect to.


The Torque system uses two slightly different URLs depending on which environment you are connecting to:

API version

Currently, there is only one version of the Torque API: V1, though we have included it as an option in case Torque increments the version in future.

Until such time that multiple versions are available, you can disregard this field and leave it set to the default value.

Client Id, Client Group, Site ID, Ship Dock, Config ID, Owner ID & Pallet Config

These fields are not strictly required. If they are needed, Torque will provide the required values together with your API token.

If these fields are not set, the API uses default values for your Torque instance. These fields can be edited at a later date by updating the settings for your Torque connector in Patchworks.