Service source


The source tab shows settings for the source connector associated with this service - for example:

Working with source settings

Settings on this page are summarised below:


Source system

The system that is defined as the source for this service (e.g. Shopify). When this service runs, data is pulled from this system.


When a connector is added, you can choose whether it is to be used in a live environment, or for testing (also known as staging).

The environment is set at the connector level and cannot be changed here. If you need to use a different environment than the one specified here, make sure that a connector exists with the required environment setting and add a new service to use it.

Page size

The number of records to be pulled from the source system at a time. Typically, this value should be left as per the default setting.

Maximum attempts

The number of times that the service will retry pushing a record if it fails to sync for any reason.

Time zone

Primarily used for time-based filters (e.g. syncing orders created after a given date/time). Patchworks uses UTC but a specific time zone can be applied here if needed.

If you make any changes to these settings, remember to save changes using the save button at the bottom of the page.