Custom number transform function


The custom number transform function is used to map a given number to a target field.

If you've added/updated a map shape before, you'll be used to selecting a source field and a target field. However, when a custom number transformation is used we don't select a source field - the custom number transformation is our data source.

Adding a custom number transform

Step 1 In your process flow, access settings for your map shape:

Step 2 Select the add transform button for the required mapping rule - for example:

Step 3 Click the add transform button:

Step 4 Click in the name field to access a list of all available transform functions, then select custom number:

Step 5 Move down to the custom number field and enter your required number - for example:

Step 6 Accept your changes:

...then save the transformation:

Step 7 Now you can select a target field in the usual way - for example:



Step 8 Once your mapping is complete, the row should be displayed without a source field - for example:

From here you can save changes or add more mapping rules as needed. Next time the process flow runs, the custom number will be mapped to the given target field.

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