Core subscription tiers


Different organisations have different needs when it comes to utilising the Patchworks dashboard - from minimal features required to perform specific tasks, all the way through to advanced functionality for building complex data flows in-house.

Our Core subscription tiers ensure that there's something to suit everyone. Information on this page details available subscription tiers and associated information.

Having purchased a subscription, its associated features and allowances are available to your organisation. Each user within your organisation is assigned a role which determines if/how they can access these features.

Available core subscription tiers

The table below summarises available dashboard features and feature allowances for each Core subscription tier.



Having registered for a Patchworks account your free trial starts with full access to all dashboard features for 15 days.

Blueprint Store

Applies for customers who access the Patchworks dashboard purely to use a particular blueprint - i.e. there's no requirement to install additional connectors/resources, build/update process flows, etc. With some exceptions, blueprint store user access is read-only.


Standard tier users have full access to all standard dashboard features - advanced features are displayed but are read-only. Limits apply to the number of deployed connectors and process flows allowed - if required, bolt-ons can be added to extend these allowances.


Professional tier users have full access to all standard and advanced dashboard features. Enhanced limits apply to the number of deployed connectors and process flows allowed - if required, bolt-ons can be added to extend these allowances.


Custom tier users have full access to all standard and advanced dashboard features. Custom limits apply to the number of deployed connectors and process flows allowed.

Core subscription tier allowances

The table below summarises feature access and allowances for each Core subscription tier.

Feature ↓TrialBlueprint storeStandardProCustom / Enterprise

Full access

No access

Full access

Full access

Full access

Full access

No access

Full access

Full access

Deployed connectors (i.e. connectors used in enabled & deployed process flows)


Read-only access to purchased blueprint connectors

















Starting at 30

Operations (per month)






Full access

No access

Full access

Full access

Full access

Patchworks API (per minute)




Starting at 240

Webhooks (per minute)




Starting at 120

Full access

No access

Full access

Full access





Starting at 1000

Blueprint store tier summary

The blueprint store tier is for users who only need dashboard access to run prebuilt blueprints. These blueprints are built to perform specific tasks and as such, access is limited to features directly associated with purchased blueprints. The table below summarises allowed feature access for users on the blueprint store tier.

Feature Allowed options


  • Access restricted to viewing/updating connectors included with purchased blueprint(s).


  • Add new instances for existing connectors

  • Edit existing connector instances

Process flows (general)

  • Run logs

  • Edit existing process flow settings

  • Edit existing process flow variables

  • Deploy existing process flows

  • Enable & disable labels for existing process flows

  • Add & delete labels for existing process flows

  • Add & delete email notifications for existing process flows

  • Run existing process flow manually

Process flows (shapes) - trigger

  • Edit the trigger schedule for existing process flows

Process flows (shapes) - connector

  • Edit instance

  • Edit existing parameters & filters

Process flows (shapes) - filter

  • Edit existing filters

Process flows (shapes) - route

  • Edit existing condition filters

Process flows (shapes) - add to cache & load from cache

  • Can use if included with process flow(s)

  • Cannot create new caches

  • Cannot delete caches

  • Can clear existing cache(s) via cache maintenance

Process flows (shapes) - de-dupe

  • Can use if included with process flow(s)

  • Cannot create new data pools

  • Cannot delete data pools

  • Can remove single IDs via data pool maintenance

Patchworks API

  • Can use if required by purchased blueprint(s)


  • Can use if included with process flow(s) - cannot add new webhooks

Event connectors

  • Can use if included with process flow(s) - cannot add new event connectors

Custom scripts

  • Can use if included with process flow(s) - cannot add, edit, delete or deploy scripts

Cross reference lookups

  • Edit cross reference values in any cross reference lookups associated with purchased blueprint(s)

Connector builder

  • No access

Advanced features

Advanced features are available on the professional tier, or can be added for standard tier users via a bolt-on. These features are listed below.

Core subscription tier bolt-ons

The table below summarises bolt-ons that can be purchased and added to existing core subscription tiers.

Bolt-onApplicable tiersSummary

Advanced features


Enable advanced features

Single connector


Add one more connector to current deployed connectors allowance

10 process flows


Add ten more process flows to current deployed process flows allowance

60 webhooks per minute


Add 60 webhooks per minute to existing rate limit.

10,000MB payload size


Increase the maximum size for any payload used in a process flow by 10,000MB. The default allowance is 500MB.

Partner features


Create linked companies

Flow concurrency limit


Increase the number of process flows that can be run concurrently.

Cache memory (MB)


Increase the size of caches that can added. The default allowance is 50MB.

Inbound API rate limit


Increase your rate limit for the Patchworks API.

About the partner features bolt-on

The partner features bolt-on allows you to add your own linked companies. An allowance is provided for the number of companies created for given subscription tiers.

How do I purchase a subscription tier or bolt-on?

Anyone can sign up for a new Patchworks trial subscription via our login page. When your 15-day trial period ends, you can contact the Patchworks Sales team to purchase the required subscription. The quickest way to do this is via live chat in your dashboard:

If you have come to Patchworks via an agency/partner, please contact them to arrange your preferred subscription.

How can I check the status of my subscription allowances?

Subscription tiers are associated with different allowances for the number of deployed connectors, and the number of deployed process flows.

For allowance purposes, a 'deployed' process flow is a process flow that is both deployed and enabled. A 'deployed' connector is a connector that is in use by a 'deployed' process flow.

To view the number of 'deployed' connectors and the number remaining in your subscription tier allowance, select connectors and instances from the left-hand navigation menu - your allowance status is shown in the header of the manage connectors page:

To view the number of 'deployed' process flows and the number remaining in your subscription tier allowance, select process flows from the left-hand navigation menu - your allowance status is shown in the header of the manage your flows page:

Last updated