Approaching your first process flow
The flexibility of process flows means that there's no 'one size fits all' approach - everyone's requirements are different, and the scope is huge. This level of flexibility is a great advantage but on the flip side - where do you start?
Here, we outline the bare bones of a process flow so you know what to consider as a minimum when getting started for the first time.
A scratchpad area will be available soon. In the meantime, we suggest registering for a sandbox account and experimenting there.
Make sure you create instances with credentials for your third-party application sandbox accounts, rather than live ones!
Key elements of a process flow
In their simplest form, process flows are defined to receive data from one third-party application and send it to another third-party application, perhaps with some data manipulation in between. Key elements are summarised below.
Process flows allow you to build highly complex flows with multiple routes and conditions. Here, we're considering an entry-level scenario to highlight key items as you get started with process flows.
Process flow versions
Process flow can be associated with three version types: draft, deployed and inactive. Before you get started building process flows, we advise reading our Process flow versioning page to make sure you understand how this works.
Last updated