Obtaining process flow & version IDs for API requests
Last updated
Last updated
When you send a Patchworks API request to initialise a process flow, you must provide the internal IDs for the required process flow and version. This guide walks through the steps required to obtain this information.
Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard.
Step 2 Select process flows from the left-hand navigation menu and select the process flow that you want to update.
Step 3
Check the title bar in the top-left corner and make a note of the number above the title - this is the process flow ID
Step 4 Click the settings icon:
...to access process flow settings:
Step 5
Look in the versions panel and find the version of this process flow that you want to initialise, then note the associated ID - this is the process flow version ID
For more information about process flow versioning please see our Process flow versioning page.
Step 6 You'll use this information later in any API requests made to initialise this process flow.