Importing & exporting cross-reference lookups
If you prefer to maintain cross-reference lookup values externally, you can easily export cross-reference lookups from Patchworks, update values as required, then import the updated file.
Need to know
Export file format
Cross-reference lookup exports are completed in CSV format, delimited ONLY with a single comma between fields.
The exported file includes two columns with left_value
and right_value
headers. For example:
Import approach
When cross-reference lookup values are imported:
Existing values are checked and updated from the import file
Existing values are checked against both left and right values
New values are added
Import file format
To import cross-reference lookup values, the import file must be in the same format as export files above, with the same headers. I.e.:
Import files cannot exceed 5MB.
Exporting a cross-reference lookup
To export/download a cross-reference lookup, follow the steps below.
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard, then select process flows | cross-reference lookups from the left-hand navigation bar.
Step 2 Click the download button associated with the cross-reference lookup that you want to export:
Step 3 The download job is added to a queue and a confirmation message is displayed:
Step 4 When your download is ready, you'll receive an email which includes a link to retrieve the file from the file downloads page. If you can't/don't want to use this link, you can access this page manually by selecting the settings option:
...followed by the file downloads option:
Step 5 On the file downloads page, you'll find any exports that have been completed for your company profile in the last hour.
This list may include exports from different parts of the dashboard, not just cross-reference lookups (for example, run log and de-dupe data exports are added here).
Step 6 Click the download button for your job - the associated CSV file is saved to the default downloads folder for your browser.
Download files are cleared after one hour. If you don't manage to download your file within this time, don't worry - just run the export again to create a new one.
Importing cross-reference lookup values
To import cross-reference lookup values, follow the steps below.
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard, then select process flows | cross-reference lookups from the left-hand navigation bar.
Step 2 Click the name of the cross-reference lookup that you want to update:
Existing values are always checked and updated if matched with your import file. If you don't want to update existing values, don't import into an existing cross-reference lookup table. Instead, create a new cross-reference lookup and import from there.
Step 3 Move to the lower values panel and click the import values button:
Step 4 Navigate to the CSV file that you want to import and select it:
Step 5 The file is uploaded and displayed as a button - click this button to complete the import:
Step 6 The import is completed - existing values are updated and new values are added:
You may need to refresh the page to view the updated data pool.
Last updated