OAuth 1 authentication


When a user chooses to add a connector instance using OAuth 1 authentication, they are required to enter the following credentials:


Consumer key

Generated in Netsuite as part of your initial Patchworks integration. For more information see: Consumer key & consumer secret.

Consumer secret

Generated in Netsuite as part of your initial Patchworks integration. For more information see: Consumer key & consumer secret.

Account id

This is always the first element of the URL that you can see having logged into NetSuite. For more information see: Consumer key & consumer secret.


Generated per user in Netsuite. For more information see: Token key & token secret.

Token secret

Generated per user in Netsuite. For more information see: Token key & token secret.

Signature algorithm

Always set to sha256.

Signature method

Always set to HMAC-SHA256.


For a NetSuite sandbox the accountid shown in NetSuite (as opposed to your NetSuite URL) typically includes an -SB element - for example: 1234567-SB1.

The realm will be the same value EXCEPT that the -SB element changes from a dash to an underscore.

So, an accountid of 1234567-SB1 becomes 1234567_SB1 for the realm.

Setting up OAuth 1 authentication

In order to add connector instances for NetSuite using OAuth 1 authentication, you must have completed all generic setup detailed in our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks guide.

Finding your credentials

Consumer key & consumer secret

If you have followed our Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks guide, you will have added a Patchworks integration and saved your client credentials (consumer key/client id and consumer secret/client secret) to a password manager.

If you can't find these credentials, a new set can be generated.

Account ID

This is always the first element of the URL that you can see having logged into NetSuite. For example, with the following URL: https://tstdrv1431250.app.netsuite.com/app/center/card.nl?sc=-29&whence=

...the account id would be: tstdrv1431250

Token key & token secret

A token key and token secret can be generated for users with a Patchworks integration role. In NetSuite, navigate to setup | users/roles | access tokens.

These values should be added to a password manager at the time they are generated as they can't be re-accessed in NetSuite. If you can't find these credentials, a new set can be generated.

Last updated