Available transform functions


Available transform functions are summarised in the following categories:



Join elements of an array as a string, based on a defined delimiter.

Date & time


Apply the date that a process flow runs, with or without adjustments.

Apply a static date.

Convert a date to a predefined or custom format.

Round a date up/down to the start/end of the day.

Time now

Returns the current date and time in your required format.


Convert dates to a selected timezone.



Cast to boolean

Convert a number value to a boolean (true/false) value based on PHP logic.

Change the source field data type from number to string.


Round up to the nearest whole number.

Apply a static number.


Round down to the nearest whole number.

Make negative

Convert number to a negative.

Make positive

Convert number to a positive.

Perform a mathematical operation for selected fields.

Change the number of decimal places.



Define override values for conversion to true/false.

Change the source field data type from boolean to string.

Reference a value from cached data.

Convert weight

Convert a specified weight unit to a given alternative.

Apply a true or false value.


Set a default value to be used if the given input is empty. Blank values are supported.


Convert values using a cross-reference lookup.

Convert a null value to an empty string.

Convert a null value to zero (0).

Convert a source value to null.

Apply a field-level custom script. Note that a script will time out if it runs for more than 120 seconds.


TransformDescription / Notes

Change the source field data type from string to float.

Change the source field data type from string to number.

Join selected fields with a selected character.

Specify a comma separated list of field values to be matched for inclusion.

Convert string to boolean

Convert a string value to a boolean (true/false) value based on PHP logic.

Country code

Apply country codes of a selected type (Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Numeric). Note that this transform will cause the map step to fail if an empty value is received.

Country name

Return the country name for a country code. Note that this transform will cause the map step to fail if an empty value is received.

Apply static text or reference variables.

Specify a comma separated list of field values to be matched for exclusion.

Get the first word from a string.


Convert a string to a SHA1 Hash.

Encode data into JSON format. Note that although this is listed as a string type transform, any data type is supported.

Get the last word from a string.


Truncates a string to a given length.


Convert to lowercase.

Pad an existing string of characters to a given length, using a given character.


Add a string to the beginning of a field.

Replace any given character(s) with another character.

Split elements of a string into an array.


Return a given number of characters from a given start.


Add a string to the end of a field.

Trim whitespace

Remove any characters around a string.


Convert to uppercase.

URL decode

Convert an encoded URL into a readable format.

URL encode

Convert a string to a URL encoded string.

Last updated