Cast to boolean transform function


The cast to boolean transform function is used to convert given values to true/false based on PHP logic, but with the option to define overrides for specific input values. For example, consider the following payload:

  "fruit_included": 0,
  "fruit1": "apples",
  "fruit2": "oranges",
  "fruit3": "pears",
  "fruit4": "grapes",
  "fruit5": "peaches"

Suppose we want to define a mapping for the fruit_included item (line 2) but convert the numeric value to a true/false (boolean) value. Without an override setting, transforming the number to a boolean value would result in the following payload:

  "fruit_included": false,
  "fruit1": "apples",
  "fruit2": "oranges",
  "fruit3": "pears",
  "fruit4": "grapes",
  "fruit5": "peaches"

This is because standard PHP logic determines that 0 equates to a boolean false value. But in this specific case, a quirk in our source data is such that the 0 value actually means true - hence a list of fruits follows.

So, we need a way to specify an override for this field, where 0 equates to true. We can do this via the other > cast to boolean transform function, thereby achieving the desired result:

  "fruit_included": true,
  "fruit1": "apples",
  "fruit2": "oranges",
  "fruit3": "pears",
  "fruit4": "grapes",
  "fruit5": "peaches"

Adding a cast to boolean transform

Step 1 In your process flow, access settings for your map shape:

Step 2 Select the add transform icon for the required mapping rule - for example:

Step 3 Click the add transform button:

Step 4 Click in the name field to access a list of all available transform functions, then select cast to boolean from the other category:

Step 5 In the true values (override) and/or false values (override) fields, enter specific values that should override standard PHP logic:

Multiple override values can be entered - use a comma to separate each one.

Step 6 Click the add field button:

Step 7 Click in source fields and select the source field to be used for this transform:

Step 8 Accept your changes (twice).

Step 9 Save the transform. You'll notice that the transform icon is updated to indicate that a transform function is present for the mapping row - for example:

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