2022 08 23 release notes (dashboard)
This page summarises release information for the Patchworks release to Production dated: 23rd August 2022.
New features
Inbound API connector
Our API empowers real-time connectivity, ensuring absolute control and access to any system or data source - you can build against an iPaaS and connect to any system of choice, securely.
You can now create and publish secure API endpoints (completely code-free!) with error handling and guaranteed delivery.
All of this is achieved using an intuitive Inbound API Connector.
With this, you configure a custom entity to define what information Patchworks should expect to receive in a payload. Once this is done, the connector is ready to use in Patchworks services. Add the Inbound API Connector as a service source, choose a destination connector, define field mappings between the two and enable a secure endpoint for your API requests. Easy!
For further information and instructions, please see our documentation: About the Patchworks Inbound API Connector.
Updated features
Performance & UI enhancements for the services page
The services list has been optimised and is now 50x faster to load. Additionally, the services page has a fresh, new look:
Organised by source connector, each service (and associated options) is displayed as a single line.
New connectors
Updated connectors
Bug fixes
Last updated