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The authentication tab for an endpoint is where you decide which of your defined authentication methods for this connector, can be used for this endpoint:
When an authentication method is activated for an endpoint, it means that the endpoint will be available in process flows when:
That instance was originally configured using this authentication method
When you add an instance for a connector, you must provide credentials for authentication. Any authentication methods that you have configured for the connector will be available to choose from.
So, if you have configured two authentication methods and added an instance for each - and you want your endpoint to be available whichever instance a user chooses to use in a process flow - you need to activate both of these for your endpoint.
For example, let's say that:
You've configured basic auth and OAuth 2 authentication methods for your connector, and have added instance 1 with basic auth credentials and instance 2 using OAuth credentials.
You add an 'orders' endpoint but you ONLY activate the basic auth authentication method.
The effect will be:
If you add a connection shape to a process flow and associate it with instance 1 (i.e. using basic auth), the 'orders' endpoint will be available for selection - this is because we've activated basic auth for the endpoint.
If you add a connection shape to a process flow and associate it with instance 2 (i.e. using OAuth 2), the 'orders' endpoint will NOT be available for selection - this is because we didn't activate OAuth 2 for the endpoint, but the instance is authenticated using OAuth 2 credentials.
It's not mandatory to activate all your configured authentication methods for an endpoint. For example, you might have some endpoints that are fine to use basic auth, but others which need the extra security provided by OAuth 2.
To activate an authentication method for an endpoint, simply set the appropriate toggle option to 'on' - for example: