Techniques for building process flows
Adding shapes
To add a shape to a process flow, click the + icon at the point you want to place it - for example:
...then choose the type of shape to add:
Depending on the shape, the settings panel will either open immediately so you can provide details before the shape is added to the canvas, or the shape is added to the canvas and you can update settings when you're ready.
Accessing shape settings
To access settings for an existing shape, click the associated 'cog' icon - for example:
The settings panel is displayed, so you can configure the shape as required - don't forget to save changes.
Settings vary for each shape - please see our Process flow shapes section for more information.
Changing a shape name
When a shape is dropped into the canvas, it's labelled with a generic name - 'map', 'flow', 'split', etc. Sometimes it can be useful to modify these names to something more specific - for example, to give a hint of what the shape's purpose in your flow (particularly if you have multiple shapes of the same type!).
To change the name, simply access shape settings, then click the 'edit' icon associated with the name at the very top of the settings drawer - for example:
The name field can now be edited - update the current name as needed, then click save at the bottom of the settings drawer:
Removing shapes
To remove a shape, click the associated 'cog' icon - for example:
...then click the delete option in the settings panel - for example:
Last updated