Triggering a password reset for another user


If you are a user with an administrator or manager role, you can trigger a password reset email for other users in your company.

When this is done, a reset email is sent to the email address for the user, containing a reset link. Password reset links are valid for 24 hours. After this, another password reset must be triggered so a new link is emailed.

The steps

Step 1 Access the user list for your company profile.

Step 2 Move down to the extra section - you'll see a [company] users tab showing all existing user accounts. At a glance you can see each user's name, email address and role - click the name of the user requiring a password reset:

Step 3 Click the reset password button at the top of the page:

Step 4 The user will receive an email from Patchworks which includes a link to change their password.

Last updated