Uploading process flows to your private marketplace


Having built, enabled, and deployed a process flow, you can upload it to the process flows section of your private marketplace. This guide walks through the steps needed to achieve this.

Need to know

When you upload a process flow, any configured connectors, scripts, cross-reference lookups, caches and de-dupe pools will be included.


Ensure that the process flow you want to upload is enabled and deployed.

The steps

Step 1 Login to the Patchworks dashboard and ensure you're switched to the correct company profile.

Any resources you upload to the private marketplace for your own 'parent' company will be available to your 'child' companies (via their private marketplaces). Similarly, any resources uploaded to the private marketplace for a 'child' company will be available to the 'parent' company AND all child-sibling companies. For more information please see About private marketplace access.

Step 2 From the left-hand navigation menu, select process flows | process flows options - all of your process flows are listed.

Step 3 Click the name of the process flow that you want to upload - the process flow canvas is displayed.

Step 4 Click the settings option from the actions bar:

Move down to the versions panel and ensure that the deployed version is displayed - check that this is the version that you want to upload.

If you don't want to use the version that's currently deployed, you should edit the draft and deploy this.

Step 5 Click the ellipses associated with the deployed version and select the upload to marketplace option:

You'll only see this option for a deployed process flow. If you are checking a deployed version and this option isn't shown, it's likely that your user account does not have the required permissions. Please contact Patchworks support if this is the case.

Step 6 Click the upload button to upload this process flow to your private marketplace. The upload is queued for processing and will be completed as soon as possible.

Check your notification centre for confirmation if you miss the popup message when this is done.

Last updated