Process flow settings


Process flow settings are used to manage settings and behaviour for the process flow as a whole:

The ability to update some settings will vary, depending on the version status. For example, you can't add flow variables to a deployed version.

Understanding process flow settings

Process flow settings are summarised below.



Process flow name & description

The name displayed for this process flow throughout the system. Optionally, you can include a description.


Enabled toggle button


Use queued time

Some process flow steps (connectors, filters, set variables, transforms, etc.) can be configured to use dynamic/relative dates, where the date is relative to the time that the variable is used in the process flow.

With the introduction of queues for process flow runs, all scheduled process flows are added to a queue when they are initialised. This means that the time a flow is initialised is not the same as the time the flow actually runs - sometimes the run will be almost instant, but in busier periods there may be some minutes between starting and running a flow.

To prevent cases where filtered records are omitted because they were added between the time a flow was initialised and the time it left the queue to run, the use queued time process flow setting can be used. This allows you to choose whether any relative dates should be based on:

  • the time that the variable is reached in the flow (i.e the current time)

  • the time that the process flow was queued

This option defaults to true for all new process flows.


To find all records created in the last 2 hours, a relative date variable is configured as:

- 2 hours UTC

At 12:00 the process flow enters the queue. At this point, the value of this variable would be: 10:00

At 14:00 the process flow leaves the queue and runs. At this point, the value of this variable would be: 12:00


  • With the use queued at time option set to ON, we take the time the flow entered the queue as our base for the relative date variable, so we'd retrieve all records created after 10:00.

  • With the use queued at time option set to OFF, we take the current time as our base for the relative date variable, so we'd retrieve all records created after 12:00.



View and update labels associated with this process flow. You can remove an existing label, add new labels from the dropdown list, or create and add a brand-new label.


Email failure notifications

Use the dropdown list to select a notification group to receive an email alert if a process flow run fails.





Define flow variables and then reference these values throughout the entire process flow.



All existing versions of a process flow are displayed. From here you can select any version to view the flow at that point in time. You can also choose to deploy the currently selected draft or inactive version, and to duplicate any version of a process flow.

Last updated