Granting & revoking permission for an existing team member to manage a linked company


If you are a multi-company profile user with permission to manage another linked company (i.e. your own user account is associated with a manager or administrator role and you have been granted permission to manage the company in question), you can grant and revoke permission for other team members to manage the same company.

The steps

Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard using your own Patchworks credentials and ensure that you are switched into your own company profile.

Step 2 Access the list of team members for your company.

Step 3 Click the name of the user that you want to update:

Step 4 Move down to the extra panel and click the managed companies tab:

All companies that are linked to yours for management are listed:

Step 5 The next step depends on the action that you wish to take:

Step 6 Save the company profile.

Last updated