2024 03 21 release notes (core)
Release summary
The information detailed on this page refers to updates included in the following releases to the Patchworks Production environment:
Patchworks core (backend)
21st March 2024
Patchworks dashboard (frontend)
21st March 2024
New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:
This release includes preparation for an upcoming breaking change related to the validation of field mapping transform functions. Please ensure that you check the Breaking changes section.
Timeout error on connector installation Fixed issue where installing a particularly large connector would occasionally stall and eventually time out. Installing a connector
Connector info for private apps Fixed issue where information for private app connectors was not displayed as expected. Uploading private apps
Process flows
Download all logs for a process flow run It's now possible to download all logs for a given process flow run - access the run logs page, then click the hamburger icon for the required run and choose the download logs option. Logs are downloaded (in CSV format) and a download link is emailed to the email address associated with your Patchworks account. Downloading run logs
Import/export cross-reference lookup values It's now possible to export and download a cross-reference lookup table in CSV format, and to import cross-reference lookup values from a CSV file. Exported files are automatically downloaded to your computer, but can also be retrieved (temporarily) from a new General settings > File downloads page. Importing & exporting cross-reference lookups
Import/export de-dupe data It's now possible to export and download a de-dupe data pool in CSV format, and to import de-dupe data from a CSV file. Exported files are automatically downloaded to your computer, but can also be retrieved (temporarily) from a new General settings > File downloads page. Importing & exporting de-dupe data
Notification links Where applicable, entries in the notification centre now link to relevant area of the dashboard (for example, an installed process flow notification links to that process flow). Notifications
De-dupe shape The de-dupe shape now supports XML payloads, as well as JSON. De-dupe shape
Input validation for all transform functions Additional validation has been added to all transform functions, which means that input values must be of the expected type. For example, if a transform function is expecting a number value for its input and a string is provided, validation will fail. This is a phased change - in THIS release, any validation issues will be reported in run logs but this will not cause process flows to fail. In the subsequent phase, validation will be enforced, causing process flows to fail if errors are found. For more information please see the Breaking changes section. Transform functions
Route shape filter causing route to fail Fixed issue where the next step in a route would fail if a route filter returned a null value. Route shape
Empty field mapping names in transforms Fixed issue where it wasn't possible to identify mapping fields when configuring transformations if the user has not entered a display name for the mapped field. Now, if no display name is added, the schema name is displayed when configuring a transform function. Map shape
Filter shape settings not displayed Fixed issue where filter settings were not displayed if the the associated schema is changed and becomes invalid. Filter shape
Custom scripts
Custom scripts The bcmath extension is now installed for PHP scripts. Custom scripts
General UI
Long company names Fixed issue where a very long company name caused UI anomalies.
Breaking changes
Input validation for all transform functions
Extra validation has been added to all field mapping transform functions, which means that input values must be of the expected type. For example, if a transform function is expecting a number
value for its input and a string
is provided, validation will now fail. Previously, validation was not enforced for all transform functions.
To ensure that customers have time to address any issues with existing process flows, this change will be implemented in two phases, as below:
Warning phase If a process flow runs and an invalid input type is passed into a transform function, a warning message will be displayed in the run logs. This message includes the name of the transform function that needs to be checked/updated. Any issues identified in this way will not cause the process flow to fail at this time. However, if identified issues are not resolved, the process flow will fail when Phase 2 of this change is released.
This release
Enforcement phase If a process flow runs and an invalid input type is passed into a transform function, the process flow will fail.
Future release (not less than two weeks later)
Resolving transform input issues
If you see a transform function warning message in your logs, you should access settings for the map shape and review the relevant transform function - what type of data are we expecting to be passed in?
Next, check the incoming payload for data values associated with this transform - it's likely that they are not being provided in the expected format. The resolution may involve any of the following:
Change the data type associated with this value at source (if you have the option to do so).
Add a transform function immediately before, which changes to the data to the required type. For example, cast a string to a number or a number to a string.
Use a different transform function (if applicable).
Please contact support for assistance, if needed.
Last updated