Downloading a linked companies summary
You can download summary details for all of your linked companies via the managed companies page - for example:
Details for your own (managing) profile are also included.
The following details are provided for each of your linked companies:
Need to know
The fact that a company is linked to your organisation does not necessarily mean that you or anyone else in your team has the ability to manage it. Linked companies can only be managed by users in your team who have been granted explicit permission for access.
Your Patchworks account must have the manager role in order to view linked companies for your organisation.
The steps
Step 1 Log into the Patchworks dashboard using your own Patchworks credentials and ensure that you are switched into your own company profile.
Step 2 Choose to view your linked companies for a list of all companies that you have permission to manage:
Step 3 Click the download button:
If you don't see this option it means that your user account does not have the required manager
role. In this case, someone in your organisation with an administrator role can assign it to you.
Step 4 The CSV file is generated and saved to the default downloads folder for your browser.
Last updated