The process flow home page


The process flow home/overview page shows process flow summary information:

If you only use process flows to sync data, this will be your default 'home' page when you access the Patchworks dashboard. If you use services to sync data but you're experimenting with process flows, you'll find this information in the left-hand navigation bar - select process flows > overview.

The dashboard is split into four panels:

Process flow stats

A range of process flow statistics is available at the very top of the page, so you can see the operational status of current process flows for the last 24 hours, at a glance:

The following statistics are available:


Active process flows

The number of process flows within your company profile which are enabled.

Average time to run flow

The average time required to run and complete a process flow (based on successful runs).

Successful flow runs

The number of process flows that have started and not failed during the last 24 hours. Click this block to access retrospective run logs.

Failed flow runs

The number of process flows that have started and failed during the last 24 hours. Click this block to access retrospective run logs.

Tracked data chart

The records chart shows the number of tracked records processed for the selected period:

Choose a time period You can use the time period selector to choose which records to view:

Choose the flow direction to view You can choose to view inbound (received) records or outbound (sent) records:

View details Hover your cursor over any point to view record details:

  • A record is an item of tracked data which has been sent to another system.

  • An item of tracked data is a field that has been marked as tracked in the setup for connector endpoints. For more information please see the About tracked fields section.

Tracked data panel

The tracked data panel lists the latest 50 tracked data fields that have been processed:

For each record, you can see the following details:



The processed value for the tracked data field.


The entity type associated with the endpoint that was used to send/receive the tracked data field. Entity types are configured when connector endpoints are built.


The number of times a process flow has received the tracked field from a source (e.g. from a connection shape, a manual payload, an inbound API or a webhook trigger).


The number of times a process flow has sent the tracked field into another system.

By default, the latest 50 tracked fields are displayed but information is available for the last 24 hours - use the search field to find a specific tracked field value - for example:

Run logs

Standard run logs are displayed at the end of the home page. Here you can see run logs for the last eight days, with options to access the process flow and/or detailed logs and payloads:

Please see our Retrospective run logs page for further information about working with this panel.

About tracked fields

When connector endpoints are configured, fields in the associated data schema can be flagged as tracked. This allows you to keep track of records in order to understand when and how they have passed through process flows.

Typically (though not always), a field that uniquely identifies a record would be tracked. For example, if you're processing 'order' data, there will usually be some sort of order id field that uniquely identifies each order; if you're processing 'customer' data, there will usually be some sort of customer id field that uniquely identifies each customer, etc.

By tracking these fields, they become for viewing/filtering/selecting wherever tracked data is shown in Patchworks.

Currently, tracked data can be viewed/searched from the process flow overview page, so you can check when records associated with this field have been processed.

Can I configure my own tracked fields?

All prebuilt connectors will be updated as soon as possible to ensure that tracking is set on endpoints automatically - generally, the uniquely identifying field for the associated entity will be tracked.

If you are not seeing tracked fields that you would like/expect to see, please refer to the following troubleshooting guide: Required fields are not being tracked.

Updating settings for a connector may affect how the connector runs. Please check with Patchworks support if you need to update tracked fields but are not sure how to proceed.

Last updated