

Any key pairs added to the header tab are passed into authentication request headers - for example:

In this example, we've already defined two auth variables for username and password, so users will be prompted to enter these details when adding an instance of this connector for use in process flows.

How we then pass this information into API requests is determined by the API documentation for the underlying third-party application. Often, these details are passed in request headers, but sometimes it will be via the request body.

By adding these as key pairs to the header, we pass any values provided for these fields in the authentication request headers.

You should refer to the authentication section of your your API documentation for specific guidance about what (if any) values need to be passed in authentication request headers. For example, in Shopify, it's noted that we need to send two values in the request header - Content-Type and Shopify-Access-Token:

When an authentication method is applied for an endpoint, any header/body parameters specified for the authentication method are also sent in the endpoint requests.

Adding header parameters

Header parameters are added as key pairs. To add a header parameter, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Click the add new header button:

Step 2: Complete key pair details as required and save changes:

The add option page is the same for all types of parameters that you may encounter in the connector builder. For information about these options please see the Working with parameters page.

For guidance on configuring parameters for specific authentication types, please see our Supported authentication types section.

Editing & removing header parameters

Header parameters are standard key pairs - techniques for working with these parameters are the same as those for working with body parameters, URL parameters, etc. For more information about these techniques, please see the Working with parameters page.

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