Preparing your NetSuite environment to work with Patchworks


Before your Patchworks Netsuite connector can be used in process flows, some setup is required in your NetSuite environment. This setup allows Patchworks to authorise API calls with token-based authentication.

When you add a Patchworks connector instance for NetSuite, you can choose to authenticate using OAuth 1 or OAuth 2. The OAuth protocol authenticates users via tokens, so this setup is imperative.


  • You will need NetSuite administrator permissions to complete tasks detailed on this page.

The steps

The required setup is detailed in five stages:

Stage 1: Enable REST API features

Follow the steps below:

Step 1 In NetSuite, login as an admin user and navigate to setup | company | enable features:

Step 2 Select the SuiteCloud tab - all available features are listed within a series of categories.

Step 3 Scroll to the SuiteTalk (Web Services) category and ensure that the following features are selected/enabled:



  • REST RECORD SERVICE (BETA) - if available

For example:

If you don't see the the REST RECORD SERVICE (BETA) option and there's no banner for you to opt in, don't worry - it's not required.

Step 4 Scroll to the Manage Authentication category and ensure that the following features are selected/enabled:


  • OAUTH 2.0

For example:

You may find that some features (including other authentication settings) are already set when you access the enable features page in NetSuite. This is fine.

Step 5 Save changes.

Stage 2: Create a role to give access to the REST API & token-based authentication

Adding a new role is optional - if you have an existing role that you would like to use that's fine - you can simply select that role (via setup | users/roles | manage roles) and go straight to stage 3.

Step 1 In NetSuite, login as an admin user and navigate to setup | users/roles | manage roles:

Step 2 Click the new role button:

Step 3 In the name field enter a name for this role, we suggest:

Patchworks Integration

For example:

Step 4 Go directly to stage 3.

Stage 3: Check/assign permissions for your Patchworks role

Step 1 In the lower panel, select the permissions tab:

Here, you use permission tabs to navigate between different permission categories:

Step 2 Switch between these categories and ensure that the following permissions are granted:

Step 3 Save changes.

Stage 4: Assign the role to a user

The steps below assume that you already have a NetSuite user ready to associate with the permissions granted above. However, you can create a new user if required.

Step 1 In NetSuite (logged in as an admin user), navigate to setup | users/roles | manage users:

Step 2 From the list of users, select the user that you want to update with new permissions.

Step 3 In the lower panel, select the access tab:

Step 4 Assign the Patchworks integration role that you saved in stage 3.

Step 5 Save changes.

Stage 5: Add a Patchworks integration

Step 1 In NetSuite (logged in as an admin user), navigate to setup | integration | manage integrations.

Step 2 Click the new button:

Step 3 In the name field we suggest entering:

Patchworks Integration

Step 4 Set the state field to enabled.

Step 5 Move down to the token-based authentication section and select/de-select options as per your requirements:

Step 6 Move down to the OAuth 2.0 section and select/de-select options as per your requirements:

Step 7 Save changes. At this point, client credentials are provided for this integration - add these to your password manager:

These credentials are only displayed once and are needed to add Patchworks instances of the NetSuite connector - make sure that you have them noted securely for future reference.

Step 8 The required NetSuite setup is now complete. If you haven't done so already, install the NetSuite connector from the Patchworks marketplace, then add required instances and make connections in process flows!

Last updated