2024 08 07 release notes (core)
Release summary
This page summarises items scheduled for the following release to the Patchworks Production environment:
Patchworks core (backend)
7th August 2024 @ 9am
Patchworks dashboard (frontend)
7th August 2024 @ 9am
New features, updates, and enhancements of note are summarised by product area, below:
Process flows
Partner features subscription bolt-on A new partner features bolt-on is available for Patchworks partners to purchase. This allows Admin users to create new, linked companies for ongoing management.
When the partner features bolt-on is enabled, allowances are provided for the number of companies that can be created for different core subscription tiers. For more information, please contact your Patchworks Partner Manager.
Response scripts for connector shapes
There may be scenarios where you need to control whether a process flow shape or run should fail/continue based on information returned from a connection request. To achieve this, you can now apply a response script to your connector shape, utilising a new response_code
feature to determine the outcome.
Using connector shape response scripts
Append to cache using flow variables
When specifying a path for appending data to a cache, it's now possible to include a flow variable.
Appending data to a cache
De-dupe shape performance
Improved efficiency of the de-dupe shape for faster processing.
De-dupe shape
Process flow list sorting
Additional sort options have been added to the Manage your flows page so you can now sort by process flow name and enabled at date.
Process flows
Custom scripts - PHP 8.2
When creating custom scripts, a PHP 8.2 template is now available for anyone wanting to use 8.2 features.
Custom scripts
Custom scripts - Python requests library
The requests HTTP library has been added for Python scripts.
Custom scripts
Shape documentation
Relevant documentation can now be accessed directly from the settings drawer for any shape - look for the ?
icon in the top-right corner.
Process flow shapes
JSON encode transform function
The JSON encode transform function has been enhanced so now any data type is supported.
JSON encode transform function
Version number appended to cross-reference lookups
Fixed an issue where a version number was incorrectly appended to cross-reference lookups when uploaded with an app or process flow.
Cross-reference lookups
Script versions in uploaded apps
Fixed an issue where scripts included in apps were uploaded with incorrect version numbers.
Building & uploading apps
Connector builder
Full stops in URL parameters
Fixed an issue where full stops defined in URL parameter keys were passed as underscores.
URL parameters
Endpoint content types
UTF-8, ASCII and ISO-8859-1 charsets are now fully supported content types.
Last updated