Trigger shape (event listener)


Event connectors can trigger process flows by listening for events that are published to message queues/topics by a message broker (e.g. RabbitMQ).

Once an event connector is configured, it becomes available for use as a process flow trigger.

Need to know

  • New event connectors are available for selection in process flow trigger shapes as soon as they are saved successfully.

  • Event connector triggers only become active when the process flow is deployed and enabled.

  • ALL messages published to selected queues/topics are passed through to the process flow.

Adding an event connector trigger

Follow the steps below to add an event connector as a process flow trigger.

Step 1 Click the settings icon associated with the trigger shape in your process flow:

Step 2 Click the add new event listener button:

...event options are displayed:

Step 3 Select a broker from the list (all configured event connectors are available for selection):

Step 4 Select a queue from the list - all configured message queues/topics for the selected broker (i.e. event connector) are available for selection:

Step 5 Save the shape settings.

Remember that event connector triggers only become active when the process flow is deployed and enabled.

Last updated