Changing the supplier delivery date calculation for orders
The Orders process flow includes a field mapping which takes Shopify's order.created_at
date and (via a script transform function on the mapping row) adds 5 days
before sending this to Virtualstock Supplier as the supplier_delivery_date
The 5 days
that gets added here can be changed by amending the script that is used by the script transform function on the mapping row.
The steps
The required steps are detailed below:
Stage 1: Update the script
Step 1 Select process flows > scripts from the left-hand navigation menu (or click here).
Step 2 Click the Calculate dispatch date using orderDate entry:
Step 3
Move down to the code panel and change the existing 5 days
to your required number:
Do not make any other changes!
Step 4 Save and deploy the script:
Stage 2: Update the process flow map shape
Step 1 Select process flows > process flows from the left-hand navigation menu (or click here).
Step 2 Access the Orders process flow.
Step 3 Scroll down the flow and access settings for the LAST map shape:
Step 4
Click the transform icon associated with the order.created_at
> supplier_delivery_date
Step 5 Click the edit icon associated with the other script function:
Step 6 Select the latest version of the Calculate dispatch date using orderDate script:
Step 7 Accept changes and save the shape.
Last updated