Stage 2: Add required products to your Patchworks sales channel (Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier)


The Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier blueprint syncs Shopify products associated with your Patchworks sales channel (created in the previous stage). As such, you should ensure that any products you want to sync between Shopify and Virtualstock Supplier are added to this sales channel.

Your Patchworks sales channel should ONLY include products you want to sync between these two systems - adding products that don't need to be synced increases processing time.

The steps

Step 1 In Shopify, access your product list and find the first product you want to sync with Virtualstock Supplier.

Step 2 In the Publishing section, select the manage sales channels option:

Step 3 Select your Patchworks app/sales channel (created in the previous stage) and save changes:

It doesn't matter if the products you want to sync with Virtualstock Supplier are in other channels too.

Step 4 Repeat steps 1 to 3 for all other products that need to be synced with Virtualstock Supplier.

Step 5 Go to the next stage.

Last updated