Adding connector instances AFTER installation
It is strongly recommended that you provide authentication credentials for Shopify and Virtualstock Supplier connector instances as part of the installation process. This approach means that newly installed process flows are pre-configured with the required instance/endpoint details.
However, if you don't have your credentials but want to install the blueprint anyway (or if you missed this step during installation), you can add instances retrospectively and then update process flows manually.
The steps
Step 1 Follow the steps in our Adding an instance guide to add one instance for Shopify and one for Virtualstock Supplier.
Step 2 Access the Orders process flow and edit settings for each connector shape in the flow (there are 4). Ensure that each one is set as per our Orders summary page.
Step 3 Access the Fulfillments process flow and edit settings for each connector shape in the flow (there are 2). Ensure that each one is set as per our Fulfillments summary page.
Step 4 Access the Inventory process flow and edit settings for each connector shape in the flow (there are 3). Ensure that each one is set as per our Inventory summary page.
Step 5 Continue with this installation guide.
Last updated