JSON encode transform function


The JSON encode transform function is encode incoming values as JSON. For example, you might have product data in a string:


...and need to encode the values for pushing to the destination system:


Although this is listed as a string type transform, in fact any data type can be encoded.

Adding a last word transform

Step 1 In your process flow, access settings for your map shape:

Step 2 Select the add transform icon for the required mapping rule - for example:

Step 3 Click the add transform button:

Step 4 Click in the name field to access a list of all available transform functions, then select JSON encode from the string category:

Step 5 Click the add field button:

Step 6 Click in source fields and select the source field to be used for this transform:

Step 7 Accept your changes:

Step 8 Save the transform. You'll notice that the transform icon is updated to indicate that a transform function is present for the mapping row - for example:

Last updated