Orders (Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier)
Sales orders are pulled from Virtualstock Supplier and created in Shopify with a paid
and unfulfilled
status. Finally, an acknowledgement is sent back to Virtualstock Supplier.

Any orders with an ORDER
status are pulled from Virtualstock Supplier. Once an order is successfully sent into Shopify, we send an ORDER_ACK
back to Virtualstock Supplier - the order is then moved into ORDER_ACK
status so that it won't be picked up in subsequent flow runs.
Process flow snapshot
Operations count
The operations count for this process flow is: 4 per order.
Process flow shapes
For reference, all shapes in this process flow are documented below. Do not change shape settings unless advised to do so in our installation guide.
Having installed the blueprint, edit this shape and define your preferred run schedule. Please see the installation guide for specific notes.
If instance credentials are provided as part of the blueprint installation, there should be no need to change any settings for this shape. For reference, the required settings are:
Source instance
: Virtualstock Supplier
Source endpoint
: GET List orders
: Set as Status
Flow control
There should be no need to change any settings for this shape. For reference, required settings are:
Source instance
: Virtualstock Supplier
Source endpoint
: GET List orders
Batch level
: *
Batch size
: 1
Generally, field mappings should not be changed. However please refer to the installation guidelines for this process flow for any fields that are noted for special attention.
Source instance
: None
Source endpoint
: None
Add to cache
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
: (Flow run) VSSalesOrder
Cache key
: VSSalesOrder
Save all pages
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
: SKU Search Script
: v3 (latest)
If instance credentials are provided as part of the blueprint installation, there should be no need to change any settings for this shape. For reference, the required settings are:
Source instance
: Shopify
Source endpoint
: POST Get VariantID by SKU - GraphQL
: Set as Query String
/ [[payload.productCodeString]]
Add to cache
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
: (Flow run) VSSalesOrder
Cache key
: VSSalesOrder
: ON
Path to append to
: SKUData
Save all pages
Load from cache
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
: (Flow run) VSSalesOrder
Cache key
: VSSalesOrder
Fail on cache miss
Load all pages
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
: Match Shopify Variant to SKU
: v3 (latest)
If instance credentials are provided as part of the blueprint installation, there should be no need to change any settings for this shape. For reference, the required settings are:
Source instance
: Shopify
Source endpoint
: POST Create an order
If instance credentials are provided as part of the blueprint installation, there should be no need to change any settings for this shape. For reference, the required settings are:
Source instance
: Virtualstock Supplier
Source endpoint
: N/A
Routing method
: Follow all matching routes
Route 1
: No Errors
Route 2
: Error
Route 1
Payload fields
: order.id
: Null comparison
: Not NULL
Keep matching
: ON
Route 2
Payload fields
: Null comparison
Keep matching
: ON
(Route 1) Script
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
: Save Order URI ID to Meta Var
: v6 (latest)
(Route 1) Map
Generally, field mappings should not be changed. However please refer to the installation guidelines for this process flow for any fields that are noted for special attention.
Source instance
: None
Source endpoint
: None
(Route 1) Connector
If instance credentials are provided as part of the blueprint installation, there should be no need to change any settings for this shape. For reference, the required settings are:
Source instance
: Virtualstock Supplier
Source endpoint
: POST Acknowledge an order
: Set as Order URI
/ [[meta.VSorderId]]
(Route 2) Connector
These settings should not be changed. For reference, required settings are:
Expected Payload
: Order failed to create if reached here.
Scripts used in this process flow
Phone Number Formatter
Corrects formatting for UK telephone numbers.
SKU Search Script
Creates GraphQL input for Shopify.
Match Shopify Variant Id to SKU
Replaces sales order SKUs with variant Ids.
Save Order URI ID to Meta Var
Extracts URI from Shopify notes.
Calculate dispatch date using orderDate
Takes Shopify's order created date and adds 5 days to calculate the supplier delivery date. If required, you can change the number of days used for this calculation - please see the installation guide for details.
Cross-reference lookups used in this process flow
Carrier map
Maps Shopify tracking companies to Virtualstock carriers (and vice versa). You need to update this table with your own values - please see the installation guide for details.
SKU Lookup
Maps Virtualstock Supplier part numbers to Shopify SKUs. You need to update this table with your own values - please see the installation guide for details.
Last updated