Stage 3: Define instances & install the app (Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier)
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In this stage you will locate the Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier blueprint in the Patchworks marketplace, then configure instances for required connectors and install the blueprint.
Having completed all the steps detailed below, the Shopify to Virtualstock Supplier blueprint will be installed and all required resources become available in your dashboard. These include:
Step 1 Log in to the Patchworks dashboard and navigate to the public marketplace.
Step 2 Ensure the blueprints tab is selected, then locate the Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier app:
Having purchased a blueprint from the Patchworks website, it will be available in your apps marketplace within 24 hours.
Step 3 Click the Shopify & Virtualstock Supplier blueprint to view details:
Step 4 Scroll down to the Connectors section and select the Add instance option for Shopify:
...then enter details for the Shopify store that you want to use for testing:
Please see our Adding an instance page for general guidance about adding new instances. For Shopify requirements please refer to our Shopify (prebuilt connector) page.
Adding connector instance credentials here saves some time later since this will auto-configure relevant connector shapes in related process flows.
Step 5 Move over to the Virtualstock Supplier connector and select the Add instance option:
...then enter details for Virtualstock Supplier that you want to use for testing:
Please see our Adding an instance page for general guidance about adding new instances. For specific Virtualstock Supplier requirements, please see our Virtualstock (prebuilt connector) page.
Step 6 Click the install button at the top of the page to install the app:
For guidance on blueprint installation please see our Installing a blueprint page.
Step 7 Once the blueprint is installed successfully, go to the next stage.