Last updated 7 months ago
Understand how you can manage stock levels across multiple Shopify stores in real-time.
Getting started
If you're new to Patchworks, find out who we are and what we do!
There are different ways to register for a Patchworks account - learn about them here.
Company setup
View and manage your Patchworks company profile.
Users & roles
Learn how to add and manage Patchworks users for your company.
Marketplace 💥
Find out about the all-new Patchworks marketplace for blueprints, connectors, process flows, custom scripts, and cross-reference lookups.
Apps 💥
If you have a specific integration task in mind and want to install everything you need to get the job done, there might be an app for that!
Connectors & instances
Patchworks is all about connections! Everything you need to know about installing and working with connectors can be found here.
Process flows 💥
Everything you need to know about building your own powerful data flows between your business systems, and working with prebuilt flows.
General settings
Find help for Patchworks setup options for system administrators.
Release notes
Stay up to date with what's new in the Patchworks dashboard and our bolt-ons.
Connector builder 💥
Find guidance on using the all-new connector builder to build connectors for systems that aren't available in the Patchworks marketplace.
Custom scripting
Find out how you can write your own field and payload-level scripts to handle complex data manipulation requirements.
Patchworks API
See how to use the Patchworks Inbound API connector for ultimate flexibility in connecting to non-standard systems.
Understand how to add and manage services to sync data between your business systems (for longer-standing users only).